INTERTWINED / Chapter 1: Fate's Intricate Webs

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     His eyes didn't fully open because of the sunlight, which seemed brighter than he had ever seen before. The tiny footsteps echoing in the corridor leading to the garden were masked by the chirping noise of birds. His eyes, squinted by the light, suddenly widened with the joyful laughter he heard. Hurrying his steps, when he reached to the large garden, he saw his sister, wearing her usual pastel pink dress, running around.

      Years of longing and guilt had given way to a warm love that squeezed his heart with sudden sadness. His eyes were filled with tears, it was hard to tell whether it was from the happiness of finally reuniting or from the sun shining so brightly over them. In the air, there was a scent of a large flower garden filled with roses and lavender, a scent he couldn't resist filling his lungs with.

     His sister caught his little brother's arm and started playing around, her laughter filling the entire garden was even making the birds jealous of their happiness. While the colors were not that sharp, the sunlight made it hard for him to see his dear sister's face clearly. But that didn't matter now; hearing her laughter that was full of pure joy and happiness was enough for him.

      As his sister began to head back towards to the corridor, he took a step to follow her but noticed a hand on his back, he was unable to identify whose hand it was. It held onto his T-shirt tightly, preventing him from leaving. He frowned in pain and turned to his sister, who seemed to be being pulled further and further back into a hole, her smile was long gone...

      The sun slowly gave way to a harsh and sharp wind.... The flowers had faded, and the sky had lost it's colors, roses had fallen from their branches, leaving their spots to the withering, purposeless weeds.. Although he wanted to scream, no words came out of his mouth and as he tried to take a step, the hands on his back increased and pulled him backwards. Before his sister disappeared into the darkness, she looked at her dear brother's face one last time. When their eyes locked, her gaze that showed her belief in him, followed her head, as she briefly nodded in approval. The weather, which had worsened with her sister's disappearance, was later replaced by a great storm...

      Keane's eyes slowly opened, trembling slightly. As he tried to adjust to the sunlight shining through the curtains, he found himself gradually shaking off the effects of the dream he just saw. He stared at the ceiling for a while. He should have gotten used to this by now; after all, it wasn't a rare dream for him... When his tear-filled eyes finally started to come out of his dream and return to reality, the tears had already dried and were replaced by a pair of eyes that could freeze anyone's blood. He took a deep breath, got up from his large bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

The only time he could spend in peace was the hours he slept and while he was showeri-

"Mr. Keane! Your father and aunt are waiting for you, and they wanted me to let you know that there were important matters they wanted to talk about!" Keane didn't even feel the freezing cold water that was running down his body. He clenched his teeth in anger.

"Fine! Don't you ever step into my room ever again, you hear me?!"

"Yes sir." His family's shadow was looming over his authority and his freedom like a cloak. But there was something that made him different than everyone else, even if he didn't have everyone's respect questionably, beacuse of this thing he possess he had the power to hold everyone's lives in his strong grip... And this one thing was... fear. His usual resting btch face, insatiable expectations, the constant orders he gave, and the boundaries that seemed impossible to cross, made him the most feared person in the company and secretly in his family too...

     After taking a shower filled with anger, he quickly put on his suit and went downstairs.. The large dining table was never short of unexpected guests... Keane's piercing gaze shifted between the butler, who promptly filled his coffee, and his father and aunt, who was sitting at the head of the table. Taking a sip of his coffee, he calmly looked at the two of them.

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