Man vs Frog

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A barbed tongue swipes at the three, each evading in different directions. Issei had landed knee-deep in the swamp water. It was disgusting to the touch, and he was struggling to stomach the sensation. Trying to hold on, he raises the boosted gear up, charging a red energy. However, he's swarmed by Demonic Flies, scratching and biting at his skin. He tried to swat them away, but for everyone, he managed to kill, it seemed like many more would pop up in place.

Bell stumbled onto a rock, dazed. He tried to get up, but a sharp sensation stung into his side. He screamed in frustration as this Demonic Chicken started to chew into his body. The boy grabbed the small monster and chucked it into a nearby wall. However, another one dashed by and bore its teeth into his knees. Bell tried to strike it but missed; the pipe struck the ground and dented. More and more Demonic Chickens jumped from their perches and started to tear into the boy, Bell trying his best to keep them away.

Kiba, meanwhile, dashed at the boss of the labyrinth. He slashed a blade into its skin, only for the edge to get caught on the bilious skin.

"Weak!" The monster proclaims before he swipes at the Devil. Kiba quickly pulled the sword out and leaped back, catching himself on from falling face-first into the water. He pointed the blade forward as multiple blades jutted out from the ground. The sheer amount could overwhelm the Frog's skin as it howled in pain. It retaliated with its blade tongue, but Kiba was too fast for him to land a decent strike. He kept summoning Blade Blacksmith's blades to repeatedly pierce the monster's skin, slicing chunks that would dissolve in seconds.

The monster was now infuriated and slammed one of its feet down, dispersing the created blades in a cloud of acidic smoke. That wasn't all, as said smoke had sunk deep into the ground and traveled to where the boy was now standing, and within seconds, it exploded forward like a geyser, slightly burning Kiba and sending him up into the air.

Before Kiba could react, the signature move of its stretched-out tongue slammed into his chest. The sheer weight behind it knocked the air out of him and sent him flying into a wall. The blonde grips at his chest, feeling what might be broken ribs. He glances up to see the Frog already launching another attack.

This time, it was intercepted by Issei, blocking it with his left arm. There was a faint hiss of toxic material staining the Sacred Gear, but the boy turned around to check up on Kiba.

"Are you ok?" He asks. Kiba rises to his feet, toughing out the pain.

"Yeah...where's Bell?" Issei looked for his other ally but seemed to have lost track of him, just remembering what was the sound of yelling while he was preoccupied with the hoard of flies. This thought was interrupted by a torrent of acid, which the two dodged.

The Frog Monster chortled at how easily distracted Devils could become and began stomping on top of its stone, causing more and more acidic smog to rupture the ground. The two wasted no time and started to rush towards the monster, with Kiba taking the lead.

Rows of blades jut towards the Demon, who swipes away at them, but then, Issei appeared from off the side and threw a punch to its cheek. This attack had clearly been Boosted with strength as it caused the monster to shake in pain.

In its attempt to return the favor with a swipe, Kiba slashed its underbelly. Black liquid spilled forth as the Demon heaved to keep its innards from leaking out. In the next moment, a powerful strike reached its back, laying the monster flat on its stomach.

"It's wide open, Kiba!" Issei shouts, and Kiba rises up, bringing his sword up, and prepares to deliver a killing strike to the frog's head.

Through a disoriented gaze, The Frog looked in horror and, in a panic, whipped his head to the side and sent his tongue out as fast as it could. The vile mass struck the Devil's side even harder than before, audible cracks able to be heard before he was struck into the ground.

"Kiba!" Issei yells, and when he prepares to unleash another Boosted attack, a crack in the ground forms, and a geyser of acidic gas shoots upwards. Issei yelled in pain, flung onto the ground. The wet soil contrasted with his burned skin as he writhed in agony.

"Is that all? You Devils claimed to be our superiors, yet you fell to me! How laughable." The Demon is chuckling at the boy's pain. "All these wounds mean nothing if I still stand! Though, I could use you to recover a bit."

As he began to crack open his mouth, a metal pipe was sent flying into its eye. The Demon yells and starts searching for the culprit. He found him as next to the injured Issei was Bell, who was missing a hand and had several wounds covering his body, with a blood-stained face.

"There you are, monster!" Bell dramatically yells out. He moves to the ground and whispers to Issei, "Sorry it took me so long to help."

Issei was less worried about that and more worried about Bell's injuries. He was clearly badly injured but still seemed to keep a cheerful attitude.

"Bell...your hand.." He croaked out, but the boy simply shushed him.

"Here, allow me to take care of this." Bell looks back and starts to walk towards the Demon. "You! You're fiendish ways shall end here and now! No longer shall you torment my friends!"

The Demon notices the boy's strange language before laughing at how comical and dramatic he is.

"Weak!" He exclaimed as he shot out his tongue. Bell evades it, jumping into a sprint as he dashes towards the monster. He chucks the pipe in hand with a spin. The metal bar bounds and impales the frog's eye. The monster roars, and Bell hops up onto the stone and jumps even higher to grab back the pipe.

However, part of the metal is rusted and decaying. Bell shakes his head at this before flipping backward and sliding down, slicing into the side of the frog. Bell stumbles onto the ground, looking at the monster, then writhes in pain.
Leaping up, he goes in for a final overhead strike... before a stinging sensation strikes into his belly and rings throughout his body. There's barely a moment for Bell to process this, agony fading as his body limps.
Bell had been pierced by the Frog's forked tongue before he chortles, "Hehe. Pathetic. Pointless naivety like this gets fools killed." The monster rears its head back before opening his teethed-filled maw.
"At least you'll serve as a nice meal." He brings his tongue closer to his mouth. "Bon appétit!"

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