The Test, chapter 8

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It was Monday and today Katie and Cove had to do a test at school. Lets jump into the story to see how the test goes...

𝘾𝙤𝙫𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑:

I didn't really wanna get up this morning knowing that I had to do a test today, but I think I'll pass. I got into the class room and saw Katie sitting at her desk looking over her notes, I sat down at my normal seat and rambled through my notes. The teacher came in awhile later and handed out the test papers, after that I just tried my best. After class i knew my parents would kill me, my scores were so low! I barely passed. "Hey Cove. How did you do on the test? What score did you get?" I heard Katie say which made me panic even more. "I got a 69..." I said I knew I did terrible but at least I tried. "Oh really? I got 100%" GYAAAAAA! thanks a lot Katie I feel soooooo much better now. ugh, I'm so dead when I get home. "Hey, a 69 isn't so bad. It will be fine, we all start somewhere you know." She said trying to cheer me up, but cheering up wont help with the death trap awaiting me at home. "Yea I suppose, but its so close to a 70 that it hurts." "There there, if it makes you feel any better I can come with you when you tell your parents your score." Katie said nudging me. "Thanks Katie but my parents don't let a lot of people over so that might not work." "Darn it, well anyways if you want to we could get some ice cream on the way home! I know a place not to far from here, maybe it'll cheer you up!" Katie is just so damn persistent. "Ok, I'll go get ice cream with you after school." I replied. "Yay! Oh yea and I'm paying since you bought me sushi last Saturday, so choose whatever you want ok?" Katie really does know how to make anyone happy doesn't she? "Okay then." After saying that the bell rang and it was back to class. Class was pretty boring as usual, but the thought of ice cream after class, made me want to hurry up and finish even more then usual. Classes had ended for the day and I was on my way to put some things in my locker when a girl stopped me. I didn't know who she was or what she wanted but she just kind of blocked the path. "Hello Cove. I'm Summer from class 1b a class over from yours. And I've been watching you for awhile and there is something I think I'm ready to say!" I didn't know Summer, but she wanted to talk so I suppose we can talk for a bit. "What do you wanna say?" I asked trying to get to the point so I could get ice cream sooner. "I Summer of class 1b is hereby asking you Cove out on a date. Cove will you go on a date with me?" She said with puppy dog eyes. I'm sorry WHAT?! I don't even know this girl at all and she asked me out?! I'm like the least popular choice. Why me of all people?! "E-Eh, I'm sorry Summer but I don't know you so I will decline your offer." Damn what kind of way is that to tell someone No? "B-But why?" She said with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I just don't know you and I kind of like someone else. Please don't take it personally." I mean what the crap was I supposed to say?! "I-It's ok. I understand, see you around." With that she turned and ran. Whew that was awkward.

𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

I saw Cove talking to a girl and then she ran away crying I wasn't sure what happened but I'm sure he'll tell me later. "Hey Cove! Come on lets go!" I said waving at him across the hall. "I'm coming." He said as he walked over to me and we walked out, on the way to the ice cream shop I started to wonder what happened so I asked. "Hey Cove, what were you and that girl talking about back there?" He looked at me a bit startled before answering. "Eh, she asked me out with her and I said no." "SHE ASKED YOU OUT!!! How could you say no?????" I said shocked. "I didn't know her, besides I uh like someone else." Someone else huh? I need to know right now!!! "Sooooo who do you like then?" I asked since I wanted to know "I'm not telling." Ugh he never tells me anything. Damn it how do I get him to tell me. We get to the ice cream shop after a few moments. Cove orders a Oreo milkshake and I order a peanut butter milkshake, after we get our stuff we go and sit down. "Hey Katie, Thank you for the milkshake." Cove said catching me off guard he didn't really look at me when he said it though. "Your welcome," The time just kind of went by, as we talked about our favorite movies, foods, sweets etc. Then we started talking about what we were going to do on the weekend. Which felt like it was forever away but it would come soon. "So Cove, do you wanna come over to my house tomorrow after school?" I asked since we didn't see each other much out of school. "Yea sure that should be fun, just don't drag me into another game of chess alright?" After he said that I giggled a little bit. "Ok, I wont promise." I said laughing a little, I think chess is fun but some people don't quite think the same. We talked about our lives and about our parents for awhile before it got late. Me and Cove said good bye and we parted ways.

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