Friends of the Wrong Sort

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Kai sat at the end of the Slytherin table during the sorting, he could feel the eyes of everyone digging into him. It was only made worse when Dumbledore announced that the Dementors would be patrolling the castle until Sirius was captured.

Sept came and moved next to him during the feast, "What happened on the train? I heard Potter and his sidekicks talking."

"Nothing, Sept. Just Dementors being Dementors." Kai sighed, he wasn't in the mood to relive the experience.

The older boy frowned, "Kai, I know this year is going to be tough, but you can't avoid everyone. I know you hate the fact that you got sorted into Slytherin but it's probably the best place for you, right now.. Most of the people in this house aren't going to care about who your father is or what he did, they are all just as tired of being compared to their own parents." he murmured, watching as his cousin pushed food around his plate.

Eventually, a few of Sept's friends joined them, Kasper Avery wrapped an arm around Kai as he sat next to him, "You, my friend, are going to be great in quidditch this year, everyone will be avoiding you so it will be easy work, may have to make you a chaser instead of the keeper." he smirked. Kasper was the Slytherin's team captain, Sept was his second.

Kai forced a small smile, "That's one way of looking at it, I guess."

The boy next to Sept smirked, "Only way to look at it, really. Otherwise, all you have is a crazy psycho killer father- ow!"

"Shut it, Greengrass." Sept growled.

Kai managed a small chuckle, he figured Sept was right, if any house was to accept his father's past it would be Slytherin, after all, half of their parents had been rumoured to be followers of Voldemort too.

"Just saying." Greengrass hummed, tucking into his food, and the other two older students rolled their eyes.

The feast finished quickly, and Sept stayed by his cousin's side, feeling overly protective of him currently. Kai appreciated the effort, it actually did make him feel a little better, especially because when people did glare at him, they received a death stare back from the older Malfoy.

Once back at the dorms, Kai left Sept and headed to his room. He was nervous about how his roommates would be. They'd been best friends his whole time at Hogwarts, and they knew of his father, but for some Slytherin's reputations were everything.

Upon entering the room, he was tackled by Theodore Nott. "Black, why the fuck didn't you sit with us during the feast? Or on the train?" He quizzed dramatically, acting as though Kai had broken his heart.

"Get off me, Nott." Kai snickered, feeling relief wash over him, he wasn't sure he'd make it through the year if his best friends avoided him.

"Listen, just because your daddy issues have got worse this year doesn't mean you can avoid your friends.. we can be your daddies." Theo beamed, before realising how that came across and frowning, "Wait.."

"Not what he meant." Enzo laughed, the boy was lying on his bed, copying Theo's potion homework.

"Definitely not what he meant." Rowan chuckled, laying next to Enzo, picking through some Bertie's Beans. "We'll just be your friends if that's ok?"

"That is more than ok." Kai laughed, moving out of Theo's arms and to his bed.

"So have you heard from your dad? Or anything?" Theo asked, lying next to Kai.

"No. Not a thing."

"Are you afraid that he might like... I don't know, come and kill you?" Enzo asked absentmindedly, his attention on the homework. Theo threw a pillow at him. "Hey, I'm trying to copy your homework, don't be a dick." The boy grumbled, launching the pillow back.

To be honest, Kai hadn't even thought about that, maybe he should have been scared of his father but for whatever reason he wasn't. "No, I don't think he'd try to kill me."

"How can you be so sure? Azkaban turns people insane, and if he was already crazy enough to kill all those people then you never know... maybe he wants to kill you too." Enzo continued, hardly even noticing the words coming out of his mouth.

"Merlin's beard, Enzo! Shut the fuck up!" Rowan yelled.

Looking up Enzo realised he may have gone a little too far. "Shit... I just mean, I'd be scared. Sorry."

Kai shook his head, "I'm not worried about that. I don't know why, I just don't believe he'd try to kill me. Maybe I'm wrong, or maybe I'll never know." he shrugged, pulling one of his muggle books out of his bag. He had to hide these from Lucius, but Sept always took him into London to go shopping around muggle shops, he really enjoyed reading their books. This one was called The Shining by Stephen King'.

Changing the subject of Theo, "Where's mine?" He asked Kai, he managed to sneak out and get books too, the pair had a muggle book club with the other boys... Well, not so much a book club but rather a trade.

"There is a copy of 'IT' in my trunk." Kai hummed, opening his book to read.

"Another Stephen King one?" Theo grinned, climbing off the bed to fetch the book, before climbing back up and resting his head on the boys' lap.

The evening drifted away fairly quickly, they all stayed hulled up in their dorm, catching up over the last few weeks and talking about their classes for the year. Kai found himself feeling like he was home again with his friends and with Lupin being by his side this year it didn't seem like it was going to be all that bad.

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