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Log 1: ASGS unit designation: Abbie.
Assigned Subject: (Data Corrupted)
Log start: Facility activity stopped (corrupted Data) days ago. Reason unknown. Life support systems  failing. Days without Maintenance: (Data lost). No other ASGS units detected: all other units destroyed or not present. Survivor count reduced to 1. Initiating atmosphere check. Check complete, survivability 80%. Warning: pockets of radiation detected, Gas mask required for safe traversal. Bioscan: the Zone has developed a ecosystem, monitoring for threats active. Warning: no comm traffic detected. Sending query: query unconclusive. Searching for signal... signal found 300 km's away. Conclusion: investigation must begin. Awakening Assigned Survivor. Deploying drone.

A small drone popped out of a hole in the ceiling of a room. The room was filled with medical equipment, an obvious medical bay for the now silent facility. The drone had two rotors, and a small chaingun strapped to the bottom of it to provide defense if needed. The Chaingun contained technology that allowed it to construct hardlight projectiles, giving it an unlimited ammo supply, crucial for a Drone it's size. The mechanical eye on the front of the Drone flicked on, emmiting a pale blue light as it searched for it's assigned Human. The light landed on a green door, one that lead to the next room over. The intelligence behind the Drone's actions sighed in annoyance, some choice words about the Facility's designer thrown about, then the drone flew over to the vents. A mechanical hand reached out from a hidden compartment and pulled off the Vent cover, then the drone flew through into the next room. It's eye landed on the only living thing in the entire facility, a girl of 16 with Black hair that faded to Violet who slept soundly on a metal slab, as naked as the day she was born and held within a translucent sack. It floated closure, then it deployed a tentacle that let the drone interface with technology. The tentacle latched on to the port in the table's side, then activated the procedure to wake the girl. "Stasis disengaging, standby." The automated voice of the facility stated as the Drone retracted the tentacle. It initiated a scan on the girl, assessing the girl's condition. It wasn't great, but it was the expected result after the girl's long hibernation. The girl was malnourished enough that her ribs where showing, though not enough that the AI within the Drone was worried about her keeling over. She would need food once she was awake, but the rations should still be good. The sack disintegrated as the girl unleashed a Groan, then two Vibrant Sapphire eyes opened slowly.

I blinked at the light, the air cold and a strange whirring noise to my left. "Good morning! You have been asleep for Approximately (unknown) years. Please sit up and reorient yourself." I did as the chipper, upbeat female voice instructed, looking around as I sat up. A blue light took up position in front of me, which then flickered in response to the Voice speaking. "Greetings, I am Abbie, your Personal Automated Survival Guide System unit. Please follow the light so I can make sure your brain function hasn't degraded from stasis." I followed the light as it  moved from side to side, then up and down before returning to the centre of my vision. "Excellent, your brain hasn't been affected at All! Please stand from the table. Be careful, common symptoms of Stasis sickness include Dizziness, Nausea and Muscle atrophy. Normally you would be given a few hours to wake up, but we don't have that much time." I swung my legs over the side of the bed, then paused when I noticed the pale blue ring in my right hand. "Abbie, why is there a glowing ring in my hand?" I asked. Abbie turned the light on my Right hand, then said "that is the Personal Interface Network Implant, a device that will allow you to use most of the technology in the Zone and beyond." I hummed thoughtfully. Everything before I woke up was blank, as though it had never happened. And yet, there was this nagging feeling that I had forgotten something important. "Abbie, what's my name?"
"... Data unretrievable. Some of my Data is corrupted, likely due to the fact that I haven't had maintenance in an unknown number of years. I did not wake you sooner because I was waiting for a signal from command, which never came. With the Life support systems failing, I was left with no choice but to initiate emergency waking procedures. Unfortunately, you are the only one left from this Facility's inhabitants."
"What happened to the others?"
"They have vanished, I am unsure were they went or why they left you. Half their number never woke up from stasis, having died due to a malfunction in the pod. Our objectives are as such. 1: aquire clothes and a gasmask. 2: aquire a Personal Defense System from the Armoury. 3: investigate the Dissapearance of the other occupants. 4: survive the new world. Please exit the room." I pushed myself off the table, then went over to the door. "Wave your hand infront of the door to open it." I did so, the ring in my hand flashing green as the door opened. I stared at my hand for a moment, then followed Abbie as the drone floated over to the next door. "Please Exit the med bay." Clearly Abbie didn't want to waste time. After exiting the Med bay I was immediately hit by the coldness of the room beyond, being reminded that I was naked. "Enviromental systems offline, comfortable temperature cannot be maintained. Lights are sporadic, will provide illumination as needed. Please follow me." Abbie started off to the right, and I followed while shivering. It was only a few minutes later when the lights above us cut out, though Abbie continued to light the hallway infront of us. We came to a door shortly afterward, which I opened to reveal a locker room. Each locker had a name on it, and I had no idea which was mine. "Each locker is locked to a specific person, meaning your locker will be the only one you can open. With any luck, your name will be revealed." I nodded, then started checking the lockers. It wasn't long before I came to a locker that popped open, unfortunately the name had been scratched out. "Oh thank god, I'm so cold." I murmered as Abbie examined the nameplate of the locker. I reached in and pulled out the bundle, then unwrapped it to reveal a Black Tshirt and Jeans, plus underwear. I quickly dressed, wanting to escape the cold as quickly as possible. "Interesting, your name appears to have been scratched out, as though someone wanted you to be forgotten. I wonder why?" It was clear Abbie wasn't asking me the question, and I couldn't have answered if she did. I looked in again, then pulled out a pair of socks and black boots that were lined with fur. I pulled on the socks, which reached over my knee, then the boots. It was still cold, but it was more bareable now that I was clothed. Inside the locker was two other clothing items, a dark purple Jumper and a thick, black, fur lined coat. I pulled both on, and the gloves I found underneath the jumper, then turned back to Abbie before pausing. There was a white card on the shelf that had held my clothes, and I picked it up and showed it to Abbie. "What is this?" Abbie glanced at it, then took a better look. "That is your Favility ID card. It contains your Name, Date of Birth, Clearance level and Identifiying features. And a picture." I turned it around to look at it, eager to learn more about myself. "Tali, age 16, DOB 2035, height 5 ft, clearance level 4?" Abbie looked at her in surprise. "Level 4? That gives you access to most of the Facility. What about your last name?" I shook my head. "There's a burn mark behind my first name, like someone tried to burn my name off." Abbie's eye shutters narrowed in thought. "Why would someone want to destroy all evidence of your existance? It doesn't make sense." I nodded in agreement, then put my ID card in my pocket. "Where to next Abbie?" I asked, pulling the AI from her thoughts. "The Armoury, follow me." We exited the locker room, and I was immediately glad for the coat I was now wearing. It had somehow gotten colder in the time it had taken for me to get dressed, and I could see my breath with every exhale. "Temperature abnormally low. Conclusion: life support systems have failed." Abbie stated. "Is that bad?" I asked. Abbie turned her eye to me. "Oxygen levels will start to reach dangerous levels in approximately 5 weeks. We will have left by then." A sigh of relief left me. "Temperature will continue to drop until human habitation is impossible. Time until critical temperature: 1 hour." Worry bubbled up within me, which Abbie was quick to quiet. "At those Temperatures your coat will protect you for 10 minutes, we should have exited the facility before you contract hypothermia. Armoury is this way." Abbie started off down the left hallway, and I followed.

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