Facility 7's Zombie Problem?

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Log 3: ASGS unit Abbie. Assigned Survivor: Director Tali Lazarus.
Location: Rhino Mobile Command Centre. Log start: The Director discovered that Facility 7 was placed under lockdown, and since Facility 7 is/was a Lazarus cell stronghold, the Director Decided to investigate. We managed to pass Facility 8 with no Issues, since The Director used her Administrative powers to place Facility 8 under Lockdown. Three possibilities exist. 1: the Fractionalists pushed the Lazarus cell out of the Facility. Unlikely, as that wouldn't explain the Quarantine status. 2: Lazarus cell held off an attack from the Fractionalists, but then had to retreat due to lack of Resources. Possible, but still leads to questions as to why the Facility was Quarantined. 3: Lazarus cell was forced to abandon the Facility due to a biological Factor in the new Ecosystem. High probability of this option being correct, although it does mean investigating is more dangerous.

I stared at the Trees as they passed, grateful for the sunlight but bored beyond measure. It was still cold outside, but not so cold that I couldn't step outside. I glanced over at the Radar, then paused. "Hey Abbie, take us to Bearing 26 for 5 miles, I've got a signal there."
"Copy, adjusting Direction." The Rhino turned, then ate up the miles between it and the signal. We rolled free of the trees, and came across a scene of horror. "Oh my god, who did this?!" I cried, staring at the Burned and Destroyed Village infront of me. In the centre was a pile of corpses, some of adults, a lot of children. "Unknown, high Probability of it being Raiders. Signal is coming from the ASGS unit by the Radio tower built in the centre. Shall we Investigate?" I nodded, then got up from my seat and walked towards the Elevator. Storm joined me, then Abbie lowered the Lift and joined us herself. I walked slowly through the street, avoiding stepping on the Corpses as Abbie examined them. "Estimated time of Death, 1-2 days ago. Wounds indicate they were executed." Abbie reported, and Storm let out a sad whine. "I know Buddy, it's horrible." I replied. I stopped infront of the ASGS unit, then crouched down. "ASGS neural interface overloaded. Data recoverable." I waved my hand infront of it. "Administrative rights Detected. Director Tali Zorah. ASGS unit Alphy transfering Logs." The robot announced, it's eye flashing white before shutting off. I opened the Logs, then opened the most recent one. It was a Video recording, which showed Fractionalist soldiers rounding up the Village people. I watched as they executed those they deemed Tainted, then took everyone else. The Face of Ross Morbert appeared on video. "Hello little guy. Are you recording?"
"Yes, rest assured This will be transmitted to the Facility Mainframe!" Alphy stated, the anger in his voice clear. "I don't think it will. After all, wouldn't want Lazarus cell finding out about this." A gunshot rang out, causing Alphy to fall to the ground as the Video started glitching. The next words out of Ross' mouth caused her hate for the man to grow, and her blood to boil. "Take the Slaves to Centrepoint for evaluation."
"He's using Slaves!?!" I shouted, before turning and staring at the Radio tower. "Abby, does that thing work?" She asked. Abby checked it over. "Affirmative Tali, all equipment is in working order." I opened Ollie's logs, then opened the files relevant to Lazarus Cell comms Frequencies. I tuned into the First Frequency of Four, but there was nothing but silence. "This Is Director Tali Lazarus to all Lazarus Cell Operatives on this Frequency, anyone there?" Silence continued. I switched to the next comm channel, this one had static. "No reciever on the other end, this line is dead." Abbie stated, and so I switched to the next one. Static. I switched to Comm Channel four. "This is Director Tali Lazarus to any Lazarus cell operatives on this Frequency, please say you can hear me." There was a hint of desperation in my Voice. "State Lieutenant Morose's password." I looked it up. "Back from the Dead, Tali Lazarus?" I stated, when there was no Password mentioned in Ollie's logs. "91637. Ollie will understand." The voice on the end stated, followed by "I'd get moving Director, the Fractionalists have ears on these channels, an they're annoyingly good at tracing them." The line went dead, and I turned to Abbie. "Lets go." The AI nodded, then we returned to the Rhino and left.

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