Facility Zeta

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It was a loud bang on the side of the Rhino that woke me up, and I sat up to see Anny glaring out the Window. "Morning Tali, feel better?" The Medic asked. I nodded. "Much. What's going on?"
"Just Felix trying to get the Radio kit installed, he isn't doing a good job at being quiet though." A gunshot rang out. "Nor is Nina using a Suppresor. And before you ask, Felix is the only one qualified to use the Equipment."
"We can't have one of the ASGS units do it?"
"Nope, because some Fuckwit forgot to install an ASGS port on it. Now, get dressed, then we'll give them a hand, yeah?"
"Sure. Where's Wyn?" Anny glanced down at her interface, then said "Wyn's currently in the repair bay seeing if any of the Mantis in there work. We decided to send her since the Infected will ignore her."
"Fair enough."

It was almost three hours later that we finally got the radio kit installed, and by this point the infected were well and truly riled up. Wyn had returned with a Mantis on auto pilot trailing behind her, which was now loaded up on the Rhino. "Alright, everyone on board?" I asked, getting affirmatives from the rest of the team. "Good. Abby, get us out of here."
"Affirmative, Rhino Moving out." I watched as the Rhino traversed the lower levels of the Facility, waiting for the shriek of an infected horde baring down on us while Felix manned the gun. No shriek came, and soon the Lower levels were sealed behind us. After that, leaving the Facility was a piece of cake.

It was a week later that we encountered something that didn't quite make sense. "Abbie, stop the car." I stated, having spotted a familiar orange Haze floating through the trees. The Rhino halted, and Felix came down from the Turret. "Why'd we stop?" He asked. I pointed at where the Haze was, and he paled. "What? But I thought the infection came from Facility Seven."
"If that's true, then how'd they get there?" Anny asked. Nina hummed, while Wyn stared out the window. "I have a Theory." Nina stated, causing them to turn to her. "What if the Infection was out here already, and just lacked a host? Any animals out here would have developed a resistance or outright Immunity to it, yet when a Human came into contact with the spores they got infected. Then they brought it back into facility Seven, and then we have a pandemic on our hands."
"Well, that explains how the Infection started, and why it's both out here and in there. But it doesn't explain Why the Witches are so interested in Tali."
"Maybe Tali smells really Nice to them?" Felix suggested. "While it's possible, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Besides, that doesn't explain why Tali's scent makes Wyn aroused." Felix groaned. "Did not need to know that."
"We need to investigate." I stated. "Maybe getting a sample will help us understand it better." My crew nodded.

Anny, Wyn and Felix exited the Rhino behind me as I racked the slide on my Rifle, and we cautiously walked towards the Orange Haze with our Gasmasks on. The form of a Wraith sat in the Centre of the clearing, pulsating sacks spreading out around it on the vine like red Tendrils that made up the nest. The moment my boot came down on a tendril, the Wraith jolted upright, the Ends of the Vines detaching from between it's legs. It approached me, sniffing audibly, and stopped once we were face to face. Then it started sniffing me, it's clawed hands wrapping around my Thin waist to hold me still as it sniffed at my neck and down to my chest. Felix moved into view, avoiding the red Vinelike tendrils as he moved towards the eggs, while Anny moved to get behind the Wraith with Wyn. As my crew moved into position, the Wraith spent an uncomfortable amount of time sniffing at my boobs, before it sniffed at my stomach. As it's head moved towards being between my legs, I noticed the familiar sound of purring, which was much lower then Wyn's purring but still quite high pitched. It's head then returned to my neck, then repeated the cycle while starting to drool. Wyn struck while it was sniffing my stomach for the second time, stabbing something into the base of it's skull and causing it's grip to tighten on me, then release at it slumped over. "Ha, it worked." Nina cheered over comms, "Nice job Wyn."
"What worked?"
"Neural probe coated with a concotion made from Wyn's blood. Since it sends Wyn to sleep while maintaining brain activity, I thought why not see if it worked on the Wraith. And it did. Tali, it was really liking something it could smell on you. It definitely recognised Wyn's scent, differentiating between you and her, and I'm seeing the most activity when it was sniffing at your neck and, ahem, Lady bits."
"Expected, I suppose." I replied, slightly uncomfortable. "No idea why that witch back at Facility seven tried to attack you though. Actually, Witches tend to be territorial around other Witches, maybe Wraiths don't care about eachother and their stage one selves?" I shrugged. "No clue. Let's torch this place and get going, yeah?" Felix stood up. "Charges set Director, we're good to go." I nodded, then put a bullet in the Wraith's brain after Anny retrieved the Neural probe. "Light it." As we went back to the Rhino, the nest went up in flames.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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