ep * phase 1 of reality*

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       Next morning Abhi wakes up fast to go to college he listens to his classes carefully while everyone is having a break and lunch only Abhi doesn't know what to do and not having his best friend beside him and money to buy food didn't help him so he is doing an assignment to save time so that he'll be having time to another part time job like that he completed his college left from there and went to part-time job to do his job.
      The fact Abhi didn't know is the job where he got it belongs to his elder brother who occasionally visits the factory to check the quality of products in the markets
     To start with abhi went to the manager of the company and asked for today's work as it is the first day the manager told him to lift the bags to load in the vehicle so he started doing so he worked very hard straight for 6 hrs after completion of work he went to ask for salary in advance so he can purchase instant foods to eat and save remaining money the owner he is kind understood abhi situation and given money in advance Abhi seeing his hard earned money he felt pleased even though he is feeling drained so he took money with a smile saying thank you left to market to purchase things

      Hard ships in life make you stronger than before

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