Chapter one: CODM

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Ariel was lying on her bed, surrounded by earth-toned tapestries and dreamcatchers. Her room was filled with the scent of lavender and chamomile, and soft indie music played in the background. She was texting Eshan, her closest friend, about her day. They talked about everything and anything, from the mundane details of their lives to the deepest thoughts in their hearts.

Just as the conversation was winding down, Ariel remembered something that had been nagging at the back of her mind.
"Oh, Eshan! I almost forgot to tell you something!"
Eshan responded indifferently "What is it"
Ariel stared at her phone for what felt like hours but was only a minute before she typed nervously not sure how Eshan would react "I was asked out to prom today."
The dots that showed that he was typing  made her heart leap with joy, immediately she left the chat wanting whatever it is that he was typing to be a surprise but she didn't expect him to send a reply as soon as she exited the app,she expected it to take 3 minutes at most. Not thinking too much about it she opened WeChat just to see his response
"Oh cool"

Ariel's heart sank as she read the two words. She had been hoping for a different response - perhaps something like "Are you going to say yes?" or even "Don't go with him" But instead, he had simply responded with "Oh cool". It felt like a slap in the face.
She took a deep breath and tried to remind herself that Eshan wasn't trying to be cruel, he just didn't understand how much this meant to her.

She knew that Eshan was a good person, and she didn't want to get angry with him. But at the same time, she felt hurt and disappointed. She thought about ending the conversation there, but something in her wouldn't let her. Maybe it was her stubbornness, or maybe it was her desire to be understood. Whatever it was, she decided to take a chance and try to explain herself.
She typed out a message, "Eshan, do you think I should go with him?" She hoped he would say no but she got something worse than 'do you want to'

"It's your prom not mine,so you decide. I'm off to codm Goodnight Ariel" she stared at her phone for a long time before typing"Okay" as tears fell from her eyes down her caramel colored cheeks

The tears continued to flow, and she found herself unable to stop them. She felt so alone, so isolated. In that moment, she just wanted someone to understand how she felt.
But who could understand her? She felt so lost,she played 'Lil Numb' by Lil Happy Lil Sad
Murmuring the lyrics ' I'mma break down soon, in the same old room that I always do. I feel so alone make some beats and smoke.....' she dozed off with dried up tears laced on her cheeks

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Ariel wakes up, stretches and reaches for the water dispenser next to her bed. She grabs a cup and takes a few sips, relishing the cool, refreshing taste.

She stands up and walks to the mirror, looking at her reflection. She notices the bags under her eyes and the tangled mess of her hair. But she doesn't let it bother her. She's not the type to worry about her appearance.

Instead, she picks up her phone and texts her friends on their A3's group chat to meet up at Pearls mall.
'Okay' Immediately her friends replied as they already understood it's related to prom
'I'll be there in 10 minutes' Ama added.

Not giving a reply, she walks into the bathroom and turned on the shower, letting the warm water wash over her as she lathered up her hair. When she was finished, she dried off and got dressed, choosing a tight fitting grey crop top and matching maxi skirt. She slipped on several waist beads of the colors(brown,gold and black) alongside a silver waist chain and she puts on three black bohemian beads on both wrists, admiring the way they accentuated her figure and glittered in the light. She added a few spritzes of her perfume and then grabbed her purse, heading out the door.
As she walked to the bus stop, she felt the sun on her face and a sense of hope in her heart. A new day meant new opportunities, and she was determined to make the most of them.

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