Can You Come Over? (fluff)

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Carol awoke to the soft buzz of her phone. She reached over her nightstand and grabbed it off the charger. Her frown quickly turned into a smile as she saw the sound had been made by a text from Luxy. She opened it.

Luxy: You up?
Carol: I am now. What is it?
Luxy: I'm sorry. Nevermind, go back to sleep.
Carol: Too late. What is it
Luxy: Can you come over?
Carol: Come over? At this hour?
Luxy: I miss you 🥺
Carol: 🙄
Carol: I'm on my way.

After quickly getting dressed and brushing her hair, Carol drove over to Luxy's apartment.
He opened the door with a wide smile.
"Care-bear!!!!" Carol rolled her eyes and repressed a smile. "I told you not to call me that anymore." Luxy pretended not to hear her. "I'm so glad you came over, I've been so busy with work I haven't been able to see you as much as I'd like. I'm sorry."
"It's ok, I've been pretty busy too" said Carol as she sat on his couch. Luxy handed her a warm mug of hot chocolate and sat beside her. She sipped it and smiled. "You remembered the dash of cinnamon." Luxy grinned and kissed her cheek. "Of course I did, sugar. I remember everything about you, you're all I ever think about." Carol's face flushed.
The pair talked of this and that until they could barely keep their eyes open. "Hey, do you wanna sleep over?" said Luxy, yawning. Carol hesitated. Even though they had been dating for a few months, she didn't feel it was proper to stay at his house. But she was far too tired to drive, and she didn't want to get in a car accident. "Ok" she said.

Luxy flopped face-first onto his bed. "Ugh, so tired...this bed feels so nice." Carol nervously entered his bedroom. "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't have any pajamas for you..." said Luxy. "Um, you can wear one of my shirts if you want?" Carol's face went red. "No no, I'll just sleep in my clothes, it's fine." Sensing her discomfort, Luxy stood up. "Hey, you can have the room, I'll sleep on the couch."
"Oh, no! I don't want you to have to do such a thing in your own house." Luxy smiled softly. "I just want you to be comfortable, sweetheart."
Carol blushed.

**Carol fell asleep with her head on Luxy's chest 💞**

I'm finally back with Luxy & Carol content 🥹💙 I love them so much honestly

P.S. Yes its a headcanon that Luxy always uses the 🥺 emoji with Carol and yes Carol likes her hot chocolate with a dash of cinnamon (and mini marshmallows but Luxy didn't have any)

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