Luxy asking out Carol oneshot(repost from ao3)

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It had been a long day, and money was getting tight. Luxy had hit a dead-end again, and had to figure out a new plan to make his business boom. He was busy scribbling down and then later scratching out multiple ideas that would come to his mind. The next thing he knew, it was pitch black outside, the only light coming from a candle which Luxy had gotten for his birthday from his friend Carol last year, if "friend" was what he could call her. Ever since they'd met, Luxy had had feelings for Carol, which only grew stronger by the day. But he knew it was in vain, she'd never have any interest in him, not since she despises everything he stood for. Besides, he had sold his soul to the devil, and Carol was an angel without wings. His heart ached when he thought of her, and as he gently passed his finger through the flame of the candle, his heart ached more than ever. "No" whispered Luxy. "It'd never work between us."

On the other side of town, Carol was also up later than usual. She was having trouble sleeping, so she resigned herself with a long night of just sitting in the darkness. She looked up at the moon, whose bright light was peeking through the curtains of her bedroom window. The moon reminded her of Luxy, because he, like the moon, was distant and unattainable. Too far away to even think of touching, but close enough to shine it's bright light upon all who saw it. But oh, how she wanted to touch him. How she wanted to be by his side always, to be able to call him her own. But he wasn't for her. As much as she loved him, she knew he only saw the pair as friends, and that they could never be anything more. Besides, he had sold his soul to the devil, he was a lost cause that she should just pray for and nothing more. But she couldn't stop the feelings she had for him. He was the first person she'd ever fallen in love with. She laughed at the thought that a used sex toy salesmen was the first to capture her heart, but here she was.
Still unable to sleep, she decided to just get dressed and tidy up her house a bit, until there was a knock at her door. Frozen in fear, she didn't know what to do. Who could be at her door at this hour? Slowly, she approached her door to look out the peep-hole, and to her shock, she saw Luxy. She opened the door immediately, only to see he wasn't all that well.
"Ooh, Carol, hellooooo" he slurred, wobbling around where he stood. "Luxy, you're drunk! How'd you make it all the way here?" After a moment of processing her question, Luxy blurted out, "walked!" and then stumbled a bit again. Exasperated, Carol gently took Luxy's arm and led him inside and onto her sofa.
"For Pete's sake Luxy, why on earth did you get so drunk?" Luxy didn't reply, just bobbed his head a little before falling onto his side on the couch. With a sigh, Carol went and got him some water, unsure of what else to do. She handed it to him, but he ended up dropping it. Carol turned to go and get a towel, but Luxy grabbed her arm. "Wait," he said. "Sit with me." Carol shook her head and attempted to remove her arm from his hand. "No, Luxy. I have to dry up this mess," but Luxy wouldn't let go of her arm, and tugged on it. Giving in, Carol sat down with him, and Luxy rested his head on her shoulder, making her face flush. "Mmm...Carol?" mumbled Luxy. "What?" "I love you." Startled by this sudden confession, Carol said, "What?" Suddenly serious, Luxy's eyes met hers. "I love you, Carol. I always have." Carol's face flushed an even deeper red, and she simply replied, "You're drunk, you need to go to sleep."
And not long after that, Luxy passed out.

The next morning, Luxy awoke confused. After a few moments of registering his surroundings, he saw that he was in Carol's living room. "Oh, you're awake" said Carol.  "Ughhhhh my head....what happened?" Carol handed him a cup of coffee. "You came to my house last night, really you not remember...anything?" Luxy shook his head. "No, not at all....I didn't do anything embarrassing or...bad, right?" Carol shook her head. "No,no I was just, uh, just wondering." Luxy nodded. "Ok." He sipped at his coffee, rubbed his head, then got to his feet. "Well, I guess...I should go." Carol smiled awkwardly and opened the door for him.  Luxy, also smiling awkwardly, left.

The next few days went by without hearing from Carol, and Luxy was growing uneasy. He was trying again and again to remember what had happened that night but couldn't. So he decided he'd go back to her house, completely sober of course.

When there, he nervously knocked on her door. A few moments later, she opened the door, a surprised look on her face. "Luxy, what are you doing here?" Luxy shifted nervously. "I wanted to talk to you about the time we last saw each other." Carol nodded slowly and motioned for him to come inside.
When they were situated, Luxy began by saying, "Listen, Carol, I don't know what happened that night. I don't even remember drinking at all. But you've been avoiding me and I really want to make sure I didn't do anything wrong. I really miss you and I want us to go back to normal." Carol was silent for a moment, then hesitantly said, "Well, nothing that bad happened.. " "So, something did happen." Carol took a sip of her tea, set it down on the table, and looked Luxy in the eyes. "You...told me were in love with me. That you always had been, in fact." Luxy's eyes widened and his face went red. "D-did I, now?" Carol blushed slightly too. "It's ok, I didn't take it to heart, I knew you were drunk..." Luxy took both of her hands into his. "But,'s true." Carol's heart skipped a beat. "W-what?" "It's true," Luxy repeated, "I do love you, and I truly always have." Now Carol's face was on fire, so she turned away. "You-you're drunk again!" Luxy chuckled. "I can assure you, darlin', that I am dead sober." After a few moments of silence, Carol turned to face Luxy again. "Well...Luxy" she said slowly, " you...too." Luxy choked on the tea he was sipping. "R-really?" He managed to choke out between his coughs. "Really" said Carol. When Luxy's choking ceased, it was silent once more. "" said Luxy, taking her hands again. "I....wanted to ask-well, been wanting to ask, I've been wanting to ask this ever since I met you..." "Yes, Luxy?"
"Will my......girlfriend?"
Fighting the urge to quite literally jump for joy, Carol kept her composure and answered,

I know I've already done a story like this but this is a story I made for a03 that I decided to post here!!!
I really want to get back into fanfiction since I have so much fun writing it and I can't wait to do more.
See you next time!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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