face each other p1

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JL was in gussu for a week now, he already get along with WWX his da-jiu, he told him what happened between him and his juijui, wy suggest him to wait till he can face his uncle,

This afternoon he was looking for his da-jiu since they need to go on a night hunt, he saw him  observing  lqr and LJY.

He and LJY didn't talk this week and from lsz he has been weird this month he was always with lqr or outside in sending messages, he also refused to talk to him or wy.

He than saw sect leader Lan coming out of hasshi with..his JUIJUI! what is he doing here and with zewu-jun who was in isolation for a 3month

Lqr camed close and hug his nephew, LJY was crying, WY was shocked Lxc said with a weak voice "sorry uncle for making you worried" lqr smiled  "just don't repeat it.. thank you wanYi " "no need to thank me shufu It's my duty " JC smiled kindly he didn't see WY nor JL, he walk to his son and wiped his tear "a-yi stop crying,he is fine" LJY looked to his mother who gives him a soft smile. & "Don't worry" he turn to his husband "a-Huan you need to apologize to my little cloud for making him cry" Lxc smiled softly and said "sorry a-yi for making you worried " ljy looked to his parents and put a big smile on his face "you better make it up both of you" JC looked back at him eyes full of love "ofc we would, after your a-die finish his work"  "no need, me and Jingyi toke care of the work while you were absent, and me and wanji will finish what last so, go and rest with your family and Don't worry" "tnk you shufu"

"What the hell is happening!?" WY appeared from no where,"WHERE WERE YOU HADDING!?" lqr yelled . "Me and JL have been here since you got out" "young master jin?" Said Lxc looking to his husband reaction, it seem that something happened between them , even the way JC  looked at WY, his eyes are all full of sadness "a-cheng are you Okey?" "I'm fine a-Huan don't worry"
"stay away from them " said the little Lan all angry when jl try to come close to jc "a-yi?" lxs all confused why his son act like that "why would I stay away from My juijui" "oh now his your juijui? when you left him 3month without even sending a message or asking?, after you..." LJY stared crying again how dare them come to his mother and...
JC after seeing his little cloud like that, he hold his shoulder and said "a-yi calm down" "sorry I just.." JC smiled his baby, he is so precious "no need to apologize my dear, let's go home" WY and JL are even more shocked "a-cheng what's the meaning of this, why do you refused talking to a-ling?" JC smirked, it's always been like this , Every time he try to help someone he ended up looking evil in people's eyes, "I don't want to talk to him right now" JC was about to turn when WY said "what about his feelings, you can't leave him like this, you're hurting him" Lxc was about to say something when LJY snapped "Hun? HOW DARE you WWX ,I thought you were better, so now you care about JL feeling, what about A-niang's feeling that night,when You refused talking to him and your dear Hanguang-Jun ATTACKED him, you nor JL cared about his feelings you just hurt A-niang and leave him all broken!"

Silence run over the place WY and JL couldn't say anything, they just realise that they hurt jc so much "a-yi,are you ok?" Jc hugged ljy who was crying on his check "it's Okey love, it's Okey" JC try to calm his son, Lxc locked at them then came close "why didn't you told me?".

LQR can't say anything, he was wondering what happened to his nephew, but never thought it was all a mess, he know his hurt already since he lost evry single person of his family and that it will hunt him to death, but seeing what happened now he is glad jY was there "Lxc take them to rest, wanYi and Jingyi flied from yummer to gussu without stopping they need to rest" "thank you shufu" with that xicheng family left.
LQR turn to WY and said "what did you do?" "I... I". "You need to apologize later, you too young master jin"
JL want to follow JC right after they left "juijui!" JC looked at JL, and LJY didn't want to leave his side "what do you need young master jin?" JL face want white, his juijui NEVER called him with that title "juijui, I'm sorry for last day, I was angry... I-I never meant what I said. I know juijui try really hard for me, I just..."
JC looked at JL all hurt he know he didn't mean it, but his heart believe that JL see him like this "I know you didn't mean it, but I need time to forget about it" JL try to go close to JC but LJY looked at him with furious eyes "I really didn't mean it juijui, I'm sorry" jc looked at JL "we will talk later, let's go a-yi"
with that JC and ljy followed Lxc who was waiting for them

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