The Four horsemen rally

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From the last chapter Solomon and Lucia would have been near death as Einar and Hannah were already down for the count, However Right before Solomon and Lucia were about to be killed by the demon.

However, a mysterious yellow beam of light would appear from the ceiling, intercepting the demon's dark beam attack. Then the yellow beam would lead to the outside land, From there 3 people would jump into the hole and appear in front of Solomon and Lucia.

As they see this the one with spiked hair would speak.

"Don't worry leave the rest to us", then the scene would switch to the present time. Then the spiked-haired boy would speak to the one on the right, "Jai take Einar and the other two to safety". Then he would speak to the one next to him, "Azrael You get the purified demon and tend to her".

After that Jai would pick up Einar and put him on his shoulder and then speak to Solomon and Lucia, " Let's go". Solomon and Lucia would nod, then they would run in the opposite direction, then Azrael would put his katana back into its sheath on his waist pick up the purified demon, and use some type of unknown magic to Heal Hannah and her mind.

Einar who would barely start gaining consciousness would barely see what was happening, Then The one who seemed to be the leader would speak, " You two seemed to create a big fuss for us". Then the woman would speak, " You three, how dare you-". Right before she could finish her sentence, a road of flames would attack the woman and her demon. Which would be ablaze.

The demon and the woman would start screaming as they are being burned alive. The demon would put out the fire that was cast upon them. The woman would speak, "You fiend can you even hurt me, I am a class 1 exorcist". Then The spiked hair boy would speak, "  Well that's too bad my rank is higher than yours".

The woman would get irritated and command the demon, " ATTACK GODDAMNIT!!!". The demon would then use its tentacles to attack straight at the boy, however, a wall of earth would block the tentacles, but a few would get past the wall and head straight for Azrael and Hannah.

The woman would speak and laugh in a menacing tone, "Looks like you messed up and now your friend Is going to pay for it". The boy would say, " I never said I was the only strong one here". Right before the tentacles would reach Azrael and Hannah, it would look as if the tentacles were stopped as if he had a barrier protecting him.

Azrael would then speak in a dark tone, " Hades, finish them". Then the demon would be pulled towards Azrael, then the demon would be floating in the air. The demon would struggle, and then the next thing the demon was crushed.

The woman would start to be in fear, "You monsters". The woman would try to escape however she would get shot in her leg, it seemed to look like a bullet but it was red. It would be a bullet made out of blood and from a distance behind Spiked Hair Boy and Azrael, it would be Jai pointing his rifle towards the woman.

Then Jai would speak, "Jericho can you stop taking your time and finish this, I wanna go home". Jericho would nod, and Jericho would walk towards the woman as she was trying to crawl away. The woman would turn around and beg for her life, "Please, I didn't mean to, I just wasn't thinking correctly".

Then Jericho would respond, "You think that I would be in scum like you, you experimented on people, on your husband, and even turned your daughter into a demon, you don't deserve to live". Then Jericho would grab the woman's face with his left hand, then would light her on fire. The woman would scream agony, Then moments later her body would perish and all there would be is ashes.

Later on, Einar would gain consciousness and he heard talking. "Jai why did you decide to shoot, I told you to bring them out of the bunker". Then there would be another voice, "Well if you didn't take your time I wouldn't have needed to".

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