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"Are you sure about this?" Eric asked, uncertainly. Adam had just finished explaining that he needed to ask Aria and exude an air of confidence (or whatever he could muster up) and she would be certain to agree.

"Definitely." Adam nodded, enthusiastically. "I put in a good word and she is totally into you." He gave a thumbs up. "Just don't let her be coy. Don't take no for an answer because it just means she's playing hard to get."

Eric felt extremely uncertain about the whole thing. "I don't know if that's accurate."

"Stop over-thinking everything and start living." Adam half-dragged him out of the lab and towards the mermaids, who were just finishing a set. When they got close, he pushed the intern through the crowd and right near Aria. Eric looked back at the assistant, who just gave him another thumbs-up.

Eric sighed, his heart pounding. He told himself he couldn't back down, now, as he walked over to their tank. He waited until she was sitting on her rock, then took a deep breath. "Hello."

She was ringing out her hair and looked over her shoulder at him. "Hello." She gave him an intense gaze, hoping that would scare him off.

He cleared his throat, uncomfortably. "I'm Eric. We met yesterday."

"Oh?" Her expression was unreadable as she maintained the stare.

"You helped me find the lab..." He shuffled his feet, not able to look her in the eyes. "I was wondering...I mean, I thought..." He looked back at Adam, who gestured for him to keep going. Eric took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Please go out with me on Friday." It wasn't exactly a confident statement, but he hoped it would do. He sincerely doubted he ever had a chance with her, at all. He heard a giggle and opened his eyes to look at the ridiculously blonde mermaid, who waved at him.

Aria sighed, considering her options. She could say "no" and break his heart, making it impossible for them to work together or she could go out on one date and hope it was boring so they might be able to be less awkward. "Fine, but just one date. Don't go expecting too much."

He stared at her, forgetting how to speak, for a moment. Finally, he remembered his words. "I won't." He smiled and headed back to Adam to tell him the news.

"She said yes." It wasn't a question.

Eric nodded. "I guess lost puppy worked, after all." He could scarcely believe it, but Adam didn't seem at all surprised.

"I told you this internship would be great." The older boy told him. "You just have to know how to have some fun. Now, let's get back before Dr. Grey notices we snuck out."

Freya smiled at Aria. "I knew you two would get together."

Aria held back a sigh, needing to keep smiling for the cameras. "It's just one date to prevent awkwardness. I'm sure it will be dull." She'd been on a few dates before, but no guy could keep her interest for very long.

"You're such a pessimist sometimes." The conversation was cut short as the music started up and they dipped under the water for their next set.

"So what are you going to wear for your big date?" Freya asked as they headed to the locker room after closing. They'd gotten out of their tails, once the audience was gone, and were normal, human girls, again.

"It's not that big and I can't plan an outfit until I know where we're going." She replied, not really wanting to talk about it. She just wanted to get the date over with so they could go back to their normal routine.

"You know, you'd probably hurt the poor boy's feelings if he heard you talking like that." Freya told her, opening the locker room door. She stopped as they saw someone was already there.

Tails (Transformations: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now