Welcome To The World Of Horror And Fun

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In the starry night sky the full moon could be seen until someone walks down a path

The person seemed to be a young boy wearing a black hoodie and a black and dark gray backpack, this boy was Dakota Miedo

The reason he's out in the middle of the night is because he's a orphan, but nobody wanted to adopt him because of his unique personality, so he ran away to the circus, a circus called World Of Horror and Fun

Dakota then pulls out a map from his backpack leading him to the circus

Dakota: I should be getting close maybe whoever runs this circus will accept my personality

Dakota continued to walk until he finally made it, but it seemed abandoned and rundown

Dakota: Damn, so much for running away to the circus. Huh?

Before Dakota walked away he noticed something on the entrance

Dakota: On a full moon night the greatest circus will glow bright. The one who reads this rhyme out loud will bring the circus above the ground. Prepare for screams of joy and fear when the World of Horror and Fun finally come and cheer

Dakota thought it was amusing for a rhyme to be in front as he thought it was supposed to be part of an act until the ground shook and right before Dakota's eyes the rundown and abandoned circus looked completely new

While Dakota was still in awe a woman wearing a ringmaster outfit appeared

Suco: Greetings young man! Welcome to the World Of Horror and Fun, I'm Suco the ringmaster of this circus. How can I help you, did you lose your parents

Dakota: No, I don't have a family actually I was an orphan and the orphanage wasn't the best place so I ran here

Suco looked at the boy and saw he was being truthful and felt bad for the boy and decided to ask him a question

Suco: Well would you like to be part of my circus family

When Dakota heard family his eyes lit up with joy

Dakota: Yes please!

Suco: Well follow me I'll give you a tour of my circus

Dakota followed her into the circus and they came across a map of the circus, but Dakota realized that the area around the circus was unused

Dakota: Umm, Suco what's with that unused part of the map there?

Suco: Sadly back then the parents didn't approve of the horror part of the circus, so we had to remove it

Dakota: Wow that sucks more than a priest to a choir boy hahaha...

Dakota noticed the joke he made and quickly grew worried until he heard her laugh as well

Dakota: You're laughing?

Suco: Of course that was a good one

Dakota couldn't help, but smile

Suco: Did no one think you're jokes were funny

Dakota: No. Everyone just thought I was either a psychopath or a sadist

Suco: Well here is different. In fact I know someone else who works here who would love to hear your jokes

Dakota: Really?

Suco: Yep they're all in the Big Top follow me

Dakota was happy that there were others and followed Suco to a big tent in the middle of the circus

Dakota: Wow! I know the big top is supposed to be... well big, but this is humongous

Suco: That's because it's also the place we live

Dakota: Wait you all live here?

Suco: I'll answer your questions after I introduce you to the others

They walked into the big top and Dakota was met with 5 girls who were clowns, a girl with red hair and green skin, a girl in a skin tight cat outfit talking to a girl who seemed to be a magician, another one was wearing a similar outfit to the cat one just green, as another seemed to have a cat like appearance, another girl seemed to be normal with two girls looking very strong

While two other girls were wearing somewhat revealing outfits as one seemed to have a more bat appearance with the other dressing like a witch, he then noticed two girls having a similar look to the cat girl only they were wolves, and the last one was wearing a bunny outfit

Suco: Hello girls

Everyone: Suco!

Clown girl 1: What happened didn't this place burn down

Suco: Yes, but because of this young man the circus is back

The girls looked at the boy and couldn't help, but blush at him

Geiru: Oh well aren't you a cutie~ my name is Geiru Toneido the other clowns are Daisy, Dazzle, Donna, and Harley

Ivy: Hello, young man my name is Ivy and I appreciate you bringing this circus back

Dakota: No problem

Selina: Ara~ Ara~ aren't you just adorable. I'm Selina dear

Eventually Dakota met everyone and learned that Loona and Roxanne were both werewolves, Morrigan was a vampire, Barbara was a werecheatah, and Suco was a demon

Suco: Now, that you know everyone I'm sure you have questions

Dakota: Well I don't mean to be rude when I say this, but how old are you all

Everyone paused for a moment and thought before saying

Everyone: We can't remember

Dakota fell backwards in a anime fashion as he was shocked they forgot their own age

Daisy: Well when we first started working here we became immortal

Dakota: Huh?

Suco: Well, Dakota you see since I'm a demon I'm able to make those who work here immortal

Dakota: So if I wanted to work here I would be immortal

Harley: Right on the nose baby~

Dakota: So is that why you all live here

Ivy: Pretty much all of our friends and family think we're dead, so there's no point of going back home

Suco: So, Dakota would you like to work here

Dakota thought about it after all he'll be immortal like them and he doesn't have any real family or friends so he did the obvious

Dakota: I would love to work here

Suco: Then with my power not only will you be immortal you will also be the new Ringmaster

A circle appeared under Dakota as he became immortal and his outfit changed to that of a ringmaster

Dakota: Wow this is so cool, so what can I do as a ringmaster besides the obvious

Suco: Well to make it short you have complete power over the circus you can expand it, create a new attraction, in this area you can do anything and everything

Dakota: Damn kinda sounds like when hitler invaded Poland

There was a short silence before Harley was laughing her ass off

Suco: See I told you she would love your jokes

Dakota: I guess so

Dakota only smiled as he not only found a new home, but a family of his own as well

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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