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"Amaryliss, Daisies, Lilies and Bluebells"

A few weeks had passed since that rainy night where they first really started interacting. Toji Zenin has been more absent ever since, doing less and less missions to the surprise and concern of his partner Kong. What was he doing to pass time if he wasn't « working » ? He couldn't be gambling, since he had no money to spend on it.

Well, it's simple. He had company now. A person he would think of before going to sleep at night after a long day, someone who would be his first thought in the morning when he woke up. He'd think it was more worthy to spend the day in her company than wasting it by killing people. Before he started hanging with her there were only two things that he considered thrilling in life : fight and sex. With her he did neither of that, but still he was... enjoying her presence.
They would simply be talking when he followed her to work, he wasn't the type to hold a conversation for too long so she would simply talk for the both of them, and he liked hearing what she had to say everyday, he never got bored of it, nor of her smile as she took pleasure by telling him the funniest things that happened to her. He started spending time with her at work too, so he left her no choice but to accept his help since she was doing too much, he just wanted to lessen her charge. He had told her to quit at least two of her jobs since she was working as a cashier both in the grocery store and for a makeup company in Tokyo, as a barmaid, and a sale assistant.

"I know it's a lot but it's worth it..." she awkwardly giggled. "I need this money..." she had said with a sad smile.
He frowned, that being the second time she gave him that explanation. Why did she need all this money for ? What was worth her being so overworked ? "Thank you for worrying though Toji!" she teased him poking his chest as he clicked his tongue.

"I ain't." he lied, and she too knew it was a lie.

"If it can make you feel better, I'm no longer a barmaid for that place we met at last time..." she said, he had a satisfied smile knowing he was the reason behind that. It might be dishonest and maybe unfair but he would never regret it because he did something for her that day.

And so there he was, standing in front of a small shop, about to do something else for her. He clicked his tongue having to bent to enter the small shop, the different scents just annoyed him but he nonetheless continued his way to the checkout.
The old lady who was standing there trembled seeing his tall figure, his dark outfit and firing eyes caused her to gulp as she wondered what he could possibly want from her.

"Gimme your best flowers." he simply said with his deep voice, her lips formed an O as she sighed in relief, he was just a normal customer...

"I'll need more precisions on what you're specifically looking for sir." she said gulping.

"I need fucking flowers I said. Your best ones." he repeated.

"S—sir I'm sorry if you want the best choice I will need a little bit of context..." she tried. He sighed clenching his fist.

"It's a gift for a woman, for today's celebration." he said looking elsewhere. « Why the fuck am I here...» he thought. It tortured him to be doing things so cheesy but if it could please her...

"Oh, is it your girlfriend perhaps?" she asked, but he didn't answer. "I see, then can I ask you to describe her?" She asked nicely. He was kind of taken aback, not expecting this question. He cleared his throat looking away. Words to describe her?

"Beautiful.. Soft.. Kind.." he stopped himself noticing he was about to go on and on to describe her and looked back at the owner.

"I see, you really love that woman... then I can recommend you to chose Amaryliss, it's a beautiful white flower that symbolizes beauty, love, and hope. You can go for Daisies as well, they represent love and romance, like red roses in fact, they are very popular. Lilies are flowers that symbolizes purity and tenderness which you could chose for a person you cherish too. And lastly the Bluebells that literally symbolises kindness."

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