Be Mine-Cameraman x yandere fem reader

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A/N: WOW THANK YOU @SamanthaTorres960 for requesting that! This will be an interesting story, and I did this in the spare time I had. I will  be a reviewer kinda? on the story, and it will happen with parentheses. Thats all, And let's get right into it! Warnings: Yandere themes, death, backstabbing, etc.

*no one pov*

It was a cloudy afternoon.   

(scarlet: wait currently it's cloudy. Mystix: I don't care. Continue) 

 And Y/N was talking with Cameraman 438, and fangirling mentally about him.        

 (Scarlet: More like obsessing. Mystix: Can you stop please? Good. Continue)  

She liked everything about him. The way he talks, the way he laughs, the way he is when helping her, when shes struggling to figuring a solution to a problem, EVERYTHING

But one day, Camerawoman 506 just had to come along and get in the way. 

She always was near Cameraman 438 to get HIS attention, always holding HIS hand, and trying to take him away from her.

Y/N needed a plan to get rid of her.

But how?

(scarlet: *cough* murder *cough  Mystix: Please stop fake coughing before I ask Lucy to get a mask for you. Now continue again)

Suddenly a thought came to her, 'Why not pretend to be her best friend and then get rid of her when she least expects it?'

'That would be perfect!' she thought.

All she had to do is getting to know everything about her soon to be fake best friend.

*Timeskip brought to you by Mystix, Scarlet's adopted sister.*

7 weeks passed and Camerawoman 506 and Y/N were 'best friends'.

Y/N knows everything about Camerawoman 506 and Camerawoman 506 knows everything about Y/N, or so she thought.

Well, Y/N was still seeing Cameraman 438 as much as before becoming 'friends' with Camerawoman 506, but scheming on how to get rid of Camerawoman 506.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Cameraman 438 asked.

"Yes, Just in deep thought." Y/N responded.

"If something is bothering you, please tell me!" Cameraman said.

"No thank you, I'm fine really." Y/N replied.

"CAMERAMAN 438!!!" Camerawoman 506 shouted.

"Hi Camerawoman 506, nice seeing you here too." Cameraman 438 responded.

Y/N wanted to bust 506's screen, but kept her cool, so she said "506?"

"Yes Y/N?" she turned her camera head to see her.

"How about we hang out later?" 


"okay cya!"

"Cya Y/N!!!"

*Timeskip brought to you by Scarlet's other adopted sister Lucy*

Y/N and 506 were hanging out as planned at Y/N's house.

After talking, Camerawoman 506 had to go to the bathroom to get changed, not knowing that gasoline was on the floor inside it.

Just as she was going inside, she was bonked on the camera head and tied up to a chair.

As 506 looked at the figure who tied her up, she was shocked.

"Y/N???????...why? why would you?" 506 asked.

"YOU ARE TAKING HIM AWAY FROM ME!" Y/N yelled. "I can't let you do that."

"But I thought-"

"We were never BFFS. I only pretended so I can get rid of you. Goodbye 506, I won't have to see you ever again."

"P-PLEASE SPARE-" *bzzt*  506 is now no more.

"Now he is M I N E..." Y/N said, and burned the body.

*Timeskip brought to you by octoling Lavender. An oc of mine*

It was 3 weeks since 506 died, and Y/N thought that today was the day to confess to him.

438 was told to be met up by Y/N at a beautiful water fountain by a wonderful flower park.

Y/N arrived, and they were talking with each other as Y/N said, "438, I have something important to say to you."

"What is it?"

"I.." Y/N paused for a moment, and then suddenly blurted out, "IREALLYLIKEYOU438WILLYOUGOOUTWITHME!!!!!"

438 took a moment to process what Y/N said, and then he mentally blushed a deep red. 

(Scarlet: cause he has a camera head. Mystix: I WAS DOING SO WELL IN READING THIS AND NOW YOU BARGE IN THE MOMENT? Scarlet: I-sorry Mystix: *sighs* it's fine, let's continue.)

"I thought you'd never ask." 438 finally responded.

And so they hugged each other and kissed afterwards.



A/N: 590 words, I'm sorry I didn't post in a week, but I am currently very busy. I have lots of school work to do, and other things. I will not post often because of these things, and I am sorry about that. Please understand that I will try to get requests and oneshots done when I can. the pt 2 100 view special will be paused for now. I was working on it but I lost motivation and idk what to write next for it. I will still prioritize requested over nonrequested oneshots and scenarios. Thank you for hanging on with this series, I appreciate it A LOT, and I will see you in the next A/N or oneshot.

Bye fellow readers!

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