Yandere! CH America x Fem kind! reader-Her kind heart

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A/N: Here's my first countryhumans story oneshot requested by @Coolpossum0516 , thank you for requesting this! I am doing this while dealing with.....things. But anyways, this story has this Warning: blood, death, yandere themes, kidnapping?, etc. Hope yall enjoy!

*2nd pov/you*

You walked into a store hoping to get some (favorite snack). (Idek what i'm doing) As you were walking, you were texting a friend about random topics. You didn't see where you were going and bumped into someone.

"I'M SO SORRY, I DIDN'T SEE WHERE I WAS GOING AND-" as you were apologizing the person answered.

"It's fine, mistakes happen." The person interrupted/answered.

You looked up.... only to see a person with a flag face?

You did kinda did know the flags of the countries and looking at the 50 stars and the red stripes, you guessed he's America.

"Name's America, what's yours?" America asked.

"Y/N, but how come you have a flag as your face." you answered.

"Well, you see we are countryhumans."

"Wait...You mean you are the country of the UNITED STATES??"

"Yes ma'am. I am indeed."

"WOW!!!" you replied. You looked at the 8' 5" foot tall countryhuman. You spoke, "How about this, I'll take you out to lunch as an apology?"

"You don't havta do that-"

"I insist good sir!"

"Alright. What time, and where?"

"How about 2 pm at Mcdonalds?" You responded hoping not to sound too cheap.

"Awesome!!! I'll see ya there. Bye!" 


*Le timeskip brought to you by a country that came into my mind: Monaco*

You were waiting at Mcdonalds for America. You were getting worried that he wouldn't arrive, when he finally showed up in a ford pick-up truck. 

"Sorry I'm Late!!!" America shouted while crawling out the truck. "Heavy Traffic."

"It's alright." You responded.

You both went inside and ordered food.

"I'll pay." America said.

"No, no. I'll pay. I bumped into you, and I need to make up for it." you replied.

"Okay. If you insist."

You payed, and got both of your foods. You both talked about your lives and other things.  As you both were about to part ways after leaving America said, "Here's my contact. This way we can hang out some other time!"

"Thanks. I'll see you sometime around."

"Alright. Bye!"


As AMerica was driving home, he felt something weird in his heart, but shrugged it off.

*le time skip to Months later* 

You and Ame were besties. The feeling became very strong and Ame became obsessed with you. He loved how kind you were with everyone. And it absolutely shattered him when you cried about how your boyfriend cheated on you.

'That jerk is going to P A Y for making Y/N cry.' He thought. 'No one shall make Y/N suffer NO ONE'

One day you were walking around the town, and decided to walk into a desolate part of a neighbourhood. While you were walking you heard a scream in a distant part of an alleyway. You decided to go to the alleyway to help the person out since it sounded like that person was in danger. But what you saw in that alleyway was horrifying. 

Your Ex stabbed everywhere to death. 

You looked right to see another person laughing like a maniac. He was wearing a hood. But when he turned his head, You saw who he was.

Your best friend America.

You began to cry. 'How could you America? HOW COULD YOU?!!!' you thought. You wanted to shout at him, but you couldn't.

"Babe, don't cry!" America said, trying to comfort you.

You tried to run away, but he easily caught you and pinned you to a wall so you can't escape.

"He made you cry and suffer! I had to get rid of him! No one should make my baby suffer!" He explained. "Now lemme bring you home."

"NO-" He put chlorophyll cloth on your face causing you to fall asleep. You knew you couldn't escape him. He is a country after all. Your hopes were shattered.

"Sleep well baby~"

The End

A/N: I'm sorry I couldn't get this done sooner. My project thing is somewhat torturing me, and have a lotta homework to do. THANKS FOR THE 220 VIEWS!!!! I shall continue working on this but it shall be s l o w e r updates. Kinda have writers block. but anyways, i'll see ya in the next oneshot or A/N!! BYE PEOPLE!!!

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