A/N:This is kinda important

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I just have something to talk about, and those are yanderes. I do make these more romantized, but please keep in mind that yanderes are completely insane. THEY ARE TRUE PSYCHOS. THEY'RE MENTALLY ILL. Yanderes do truly sick things, which I am not even going to state what they do. My stories are more easy going, a bit less graphic than others, since I don't feel comfortable stepping out of my boundaries doing graphic things (maybe when I'm older), and I don't write nasty things like N3cr0philia. If you want yanderes like a LOT graphic and disturbing things, please go to another book. Like I said before, I can do yanderes but they're more romantized and less graphic than others of what I read. Yes, I can do somewhat graphic, but NOT a lot of it.

I'm sorry if this sounded offending to anyone. I only wanted to state my point of yanderes, and make sure people don't get the definition of yandere in the wrong way. I shouldv'e wrote this long ago, but I'm very busy with other things and didn't get to it. 

I hope you have a nice day, and I will see you in the next A/N or scenario/zodiac/oneshot.

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