Yang Hwa Young

14 3 0

All eyes focused on her as the brunette beauty walked in. Red dress, beautiful face and eyes and a gorgeous body.
She walked towards the stage of jazz-bar she was invited to by a stranger. The place looked fancy,she knew this night would be expensive.

She knew it was wrong actually accepting the invitation of a stranger since she knew her boyfriend wasn't fine with her going out without him but she wanted to feel free once in her life.

Music floating through her veins as she stood in front of the small stage watching the handsome black haired man sing.

Her hips moving to the rhythm of the music as she listened to the man with the golden voice...


*Three months back*

It felt kinda scary waking up to the third anniversary with my boyfriend even though I wanted to break up with him at least once a month over the past three years.

As I walked into the kitchen he already left for work. No note,flowers or breakfast...
He probably forgot about it again or he's to busy and like he always says "I shouldn't bother him with stuff like that"

I took a deep breath,trying not to cry as I walked back to the bedroom to get dressed,leaving the house without breakfast.

I don't know when it started. He was such a gentleman when I first meet him and we started dating. He always bought me flowers or expensive gifts.

I never asked for it. I didn't want him to spend so much money on me but today was the first day where I wished he would've. Not even flowers. On our third anniversary? Nothing.

I can't remember the moment. He was just different. I never understood why. Did I do something wrong? He got possessive and didn't even allow me to go out with close friends when he's not with me.

The only time I'm alone is on my way to work and back.
He sometimes scares me. Something I never expected when I started dating him. Always told me how much he loves me, doing everything for me, spoiling me and showing me his love.

I'm still hoping it'll be better soon. Maybe he was stressed this morning and hadn't had time to surprise me. He'll do it after work, right?

"How did you sleep?" She hands me a coffee and I take a sip. Sarang one of my friends with who I work finally brings me back to reality as I was thinking about my boyfriend again, standing in the subway on my way to work.

"I don't know." I sigh, looking at her. "Can you believe it? It's our third anniversary." She rolls her eyes.
"I'm still mad at you that you're still dating this asshole. Sihyun doesn't deserve you."

She was so right. I wanted to cry, scream and tell her she's so right but I'd get in so much trouble. I can't just break up with him.

"I don't know. He's been changing. I even got flowers and breakfast this morning." Why am I lying to her?

"Oh really? That's new. I hope it's not because it's your anniversary. He should do it more often." She says and we leave the subway because we reached our station.

"I think he'll be back to his old self soon." I smile.
Then suddenly someone bumps into me and I spill my coffee all over my coat.

I can't see how the man looks cause he's wearing a black hoodie and the hood covered his face.
"What's wrong with you?!" I yell after him. He didn't even apologize.

Could my day get any worse?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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