Chapter 1 - The S system

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Kiyotaka's pov:

I was doing my workout in white room then one of the instructors came towards me.

Instructor: "Subject 4-01! Professor Ayanokouji is calling you"

Kiyotaka: "I will come after my workout is complete"

He nods and goes away. I quickly finished my workout and made my way towards the office of my father who was the main head of the white room and also called 'Professor Ayanokouji' by the instructors of the white room. I knocked on the door.

Atsuomi: "Come in!"

I made my way inside the room and he gestured at me to sit down so I sat down at the chair in front of him.

Kiyotaka: "What do you want?"

Atsuomi: "You were the best product white room ever made. You completed your curriculum flawlessly. There is no one in the 5th generation who can compete against you. Now you are ready to lead Japan. I will make necessary preparations for that in the meantime I would like you to attend a high school of a friend of mine"

I'm confused now even though he knows that I already completed the University level education. He still wants me to attend a high school.

Kiyotaka: "What is the catch? Even if you know that I far surpass a high school student in everything"

Atsuomi: "It is not a normal high school, this school is made for elites who are going to contribute to the future of Japan. I want to show your superior skills in front of them"

He handed me a paper so I started reading it.

The Japanese government had created the Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School with the express purpose of developing future leaders. In this school, the students must live in dormitories and outside contact is prohibited. The S-system is also a unique feature which is different from other schools.

Atsuomi: "Pack your things! You are going to live in one of my mansions in the meantime and don't neglect your training. One of my butlers is going to pick you whose name is Matsuo"

I nodded and left the room. I don't have much to pack except clothes.

After packing the clothes, one of the instructors came and led me towards the exit of the white room where a man is standing in the suit in front of a car who is probably in his 50's.

Matsuo: "Hello Young master! I'm Matsuo Nice to meet you!"

I don't like when someone call me young master.

Kiyotaka: "Nice to meet you too Matsuo san and you can call me Kiyotaka"

Matsuo: "I will take care of everything you need Kiyotaka sama before you go to your high school"

I nod and Matsuo gestured at the car for me to come. After sitting in the car, Matsuo drives the car towards the mansion.

Time Skip:

I'm waiting for the bus at the bus station. Matsuo wants me to drop me at school in the car but I insist on going to the bus so he gave me some money for the bus fair and something I need.

I saw a girl who is wearing the same school uniform as me. She has thigh-length purple hair that is tied in a long ponytail on the right side with bangs to the right side and purple eyes with adding her cute face, she sure is a beauty. I made my way towards the girl.

Kiyotaka: "Hello! I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka of class A, nice to meet you"

She is captivated by my smile for a moment but immediately regains her composure.

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