Bit about me

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Hi, just wanted to tell you which types of synaesthesia I have personal experience of, which I have heard from friends about, and which I have only read about. I am by no means an expert, but I am fascinated by synaesthesia in all its many forms, and if I ever get something wrong, or you disagree with me, just say. Also, I will be spelling it the British way, so here's your heads up.

For those who don't know, synaesthesia is a type of neurodiversity which essentially involves the overlap and mixing up of your senses. There are at least 37 different documented types, but all synesthetes' experiences are unique. And before you ask, no, it is not the same as association. Synaesthesia is involuntary and most often life-long.

I have grapheme-colour synaesthesia (letters and numbers as colours), ordinal-linguistic personification (giving inanimate objects/concepts etc personalities and/or genders), tickertaping (seeing subtitles when you and/or other people speak), and very specific chromesthesia (often seeing music as colours; I see instruments and voices as colours).

My sister also has grapheme-colour synaesthesia and ordinal-linguistic personification, but very differently to me. I have a friend with tickertaping, mirror-touch synaesthesia (feeling pain/sensory experiences when you watch someone else feel them) and colour-to-scent synaesthesia (which is pretty self-explanatory).

I love my brain, but it can sometimes be a pain too. Let me know if you have synaesthesia, and what type! More to follow!

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