Funny stuff

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Hi there. Been having a pretty pants week. (I love constant sensory overloads. Heavy sarcasm.) So here's some funny things I have actually said (linked to synaesthesia), because humour fixes everything. Feel free to comment your own!

Me: The date is pretty.
Poor person sat next to me: ...

Me: I hate the number 22 so much!
My friend: That's my birthday.
Me: Um...

People at my school table: [calmly discussing what colour Wednesday is]
Me: It's BLUE. And orange. And... You're just ALL WRONG.

My friend: I think the violin sounds nice.
Me: Yes, but the flute is lilac.
My friend:
Me: You know, the sound is lilac. Lilac's my favourite.
My friend: I like blue.

My friend: [Talking about a serious problem]... Are you listening?
Me: Sorry, your subtitles just blanked out for a second.
Other friend: Are you okay?
(The answer is no.)

My teacher: Please write your answers in a different colour.
Me: [Makes a horrified face]
My teacher: ...Or you can just highlight them.

Me: I find it hard to read in different colours.
My teacher: Is that just red, or other colours too?
(Three guesses what my answer was.)

Okay, that's all I got off the top of my head. Hope anyone reading this is having a better week than me. If not, remember that your problems can be exploited for chocolate and other treats! And if it's not too much, think in rainbows (unless you can't help it, in which case wish you could turn your brain off with me). Hope my pep talk helped!

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