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* this is a very dark chapter, it should be on AO3 but i dont have an acct there this is more of a yandere batfam / loa / damian wayne chapter. theyre all in on it, they know theyre sick in the head but they dont care.

18+, NSFW, dead dove, trigger warning, everything under the sun

*ladies, please protect yourselves as there are real people like this that will do this to you, 

stay safe my friends


Yin is unhappily married to Damian Wayne. She was pressured into this marriage, any attempt she made to distance herself from the Batfamily failed. They always caught her after or even before the act. Yin relented as the increased hostility and passive-aggressive behavior was eating at her sanity. Being caught by the Bats was as bad as being arrested with no case to plead. The Bats do anything to get what they want, Yin realized it was not worth the trouble to try and fight them. They ruled this land, and Gotham was not safe for those against the Bat symbol. Ruthless and cunning, trying to fight would just put her in more danger and cost her the few freedoms she could enjoy. Yin became compliant out of fear. 

"Fear", she thought, "treated and subdued like the common Gotham criminal."

This is not the life she wanted for herself, but Damian wanted a wife. The Waynes are a rich family, a powerful family, a currently -stagnant- family. Their latest addition was Damian, but that was over 25 years ago. Now their heir is of age, physically and mentally matured, for the most part, and his time has come. Deep down, however, Damian was nervous. He is aware of the millions of men globally who cannot find a partner. In public he chuckles, saying this was what they deserve. He feels no remorse for the reality of humanity as they are the cause of their own problems. In private, he is terrified. Terrified of being alone, rejected, unloved. He feels that it is his right to have a wife and responsibility to continue his lineage. 

He thinks nothing of the consequences. The many charges of abuse, rape, kidnapping, intimidation, etc. The carbon footprint of having a child. No, he thinks himself a catch! Who wouldn't throw themselves at the great Damian Wayne. Rich, young, gifted, handsome- he has it all. He still hears the many voices of praise from his days in the LOA. Constantly inflating his ego, repeating his titles, reminding him of his duties. Now living with his father, the messages may be different, but the breathing down his neck is the same. Damian is still a pawn, still being groomed to take some mantle. Across the world in another kingdom, he is still the next in line. Surrounded by this echo chamber, he thinks he can do no wrong. 

Sex with Damian was numbing. Yin always checks out, only waiting for it to be over. Sometimes Damian bothers to try and please her, sometimes he does not. Sometimes he gets frustrated at her lack of enthusiasm. Yin does not think about those nights. Damian sees intercourse as a claim, an essential step to fulfilling his destiny. His lovely wife would be less likely to escape him while heavily pregnant. The thought puts him in a trance. He hated the idea of having siblings, as they would be competition. But a child of his own? He is less opposed to that. He can control his own child. He can mold them as he pleases. They will live up to the expectations or they will not live at all. Yin will become pregnant with his child, or he will just have to try again.

Yin felt like the world had officially come to an end. Her menstrual cycle was late. 2 months late. Missing periods sometimes happened with the amount of stress she was dealing with on a daily basis, or due to a recent escape attempt and subsequent withholding of food as punishment. Yin thought nothing of the first month, but as days turned to weeks she dared look at the calendar on her phone. Completely void of holidays or notes, as her phone was not a private device while living with Damian and his family, Yin stared in horror. The horror of the "what if-". 

Damian Wayne x  Reader / Jon Kent  x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now