cat boy Damian Wayne headcanons

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*cross posted story*

because cat boy Damian is canon now

- when Damian is initially turned into a cat, he still retains all of his memories and human mannerisms

- he can still be Robin for a few weeks, his father monitors his condition day by day

- as time passes he turns more and more into a cat, not just on the outside.

- Bruce is kind of nervous? Will Damian forget everything they went through as he changes :( ? Will he forget? Will he regress?

- Bruce's worries are quelled when his son refuses to leave Wayne Manor unless he sniffs the grounds top to bottom. His urge to patrol is still present, just now in cat form. Damian must secure his territory and Bruce finds that he can tolerate that.

- Damian and Alfred find themselves going at it more often than they probably should, but Damian will just not take a proper bath! Alfred claims licking yourself is not true hygiene, but Damian disagrees.

- total Napoleon cat personality type, he needs his scent on everything he cares about and will plop himself on whatever and whoever to make a point

- lots of kitty cuddles

- and licks

- Selina is having a field day, she can finally bond with Damian

- Damian eventually spreads out and starts to patrol Gotham again, much to his father's chagrin

- Damian understands Gotham as his territory, so catboy Robin goes on the hunt

- At least he still wears his suit and mask, his identity is safe. Of course, who would spend any more brain power wondering who exactly Evolution Update Robin is when he's just so cute?

- Damian still has his sense of justice, but now goes about it differently

- He utilizes his new agility and claws the most. Gotham criminals are now the butt of every newscaster's joke. "getting mollywhopped by little mew mew" is not a good look for self proclaimed "tough guys"

- Batman now has to wrangle villains and his feline son on patrol nights.

- Damian goes in without a fight, to his cat brain he has finished his rounds and can now go back home to his base of operations (and dinner)

- Jon is always finding excuses to "check on" his best friend

- Tim and Dick have a whole binder full of kitty Dami photos, both have sworn an oath of secrecy

- Cass drops by and will go for snuggles unapologetically

- she has the battle scars to prove it

- Jason finds this whole thing hilarious, but keeps his distance in case it is contagious

- Citizens go out in droves to possibly catch Cat Boy Robin out and about, also becoming easy targets for Gotham villains

- When they inevitably do become kidnapped or worse, they get both a savior and unforgettable moment, all in the form of fluff

- Bruce eventually finds a cure and while he finds this entire situation oddly comical at times, he does want his son back. His real human son, when his snappy quips are in the form of words and not hissing 

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