「 Chapter One 」

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I wouldn't say the day was exactly normal. I could smell and taste the raindrops that were dropping casually to the ground. That was the first sign that the day was going to be different; It hardly ever rains in Arizona. The café, Blossom, wasn't as busy as it usually was, which was odd for a Friday evening, and the small town of Redwood was quiet. My gut feeling was that something was going to happen within an instant, I just wasn't sure when or why.

I released a long sigh of boredom before deciding to make myself a coffee. Working the evening shift wasn't usually ideal, but my boss never wanted me for the morning shifts.

I made my way out of the dishwasher area and to the bar. I made my espresso shots and steamed milk before delicately making an intricate design in the cup. After topping it with cocoa powder I finally took a sip. I could feel my muscles relaxing and I leaned back onto the counter behind me. There were only a couple of customers, and they were most likely college students. They had their laptops out and notebooks, taking notes and quietly chatting with one another.

I took another sip of the latte before setting it behind me on the countertop. Impulsively I began cleaning the bar and wiping behind the machines that were only cleaned when it got this slow. As I was rinsing out my rag, I glance up as the door opens and in walks a couple men. One with a black jacket and black hair, the other with a gray sweatshirt and dark brown hair. They were both Mexican by the looks of it. I drop the rag into the water and wipe my hands on my apron.

"Hi, what can I get you?" I ask, tilting my head to the side. They chatted quietly in Spanish, and I only caught "un café" and "por favor". It felt like the two years of Spanish I took in high school did me no good in conversation. The black jacket guy ordered for the both of them and paid. They opted for a seat in the corner where you would have a view of everything.

Redwood was a pretty sleepy town, and we didn't get many people who weren't from around the area. So, of course, it was odd to see these two in the shop. I couldn't help but glance up at them every once in a while as I was making two americanos. Today was definitely a weird day. I dropped the shots in the hot water and placed a lid on top. I dodged tables and placed their coffees on the table.

"Have a good day," I say smiling. They both nod and the gray sweatshirt guy says thank you. I give them a nod back before turning and going back to the bar. They definitely were not the type of people to mess around with. I don't know if it's just me, but have you ever noticed that people who don't care about literally anything will just give you the head nod? Maybe it's just me.

I grin to myself and shake my head slightly. I took another gulp of the latte and closed my eyes for a few moments. It was kind of exhausting to work an evening shift by yourself. My coworker Braiden called out sick and no one could work for him. So typical. I would much prefer an office job where I don't have to talk to many people and only worry about what kind of work needs to be done. I've tried quite a few times to try and get a job for some accountants, but no one wants to hire me.

I'm 28 years old and still can't get out of the food industry. It is kind of ridiculous.

I happen to glance up at the same time the door opens. I sigh. Just another day.

As the day comes to a close, the same two men are sitting at the very corner table. I don't catch any of what they're saying but I'm getting nervous. I hate telling people that I'm closing the shop. Well, I hate social interaction period.

When I finally pluck the courage to decide I should approach them, they stand and make their way to the door. "Thank you" they both call out in their heavily accented voices. "Of course, have a good evening," I reply grinning. The guy in the gray sweatshirt gives me a small smile and they leave. I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding, and my shoulders dropped. Thank goodness I didn't have to even talk to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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