Welcome Home🌶️

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Reader POV:

It had been a month since your Father had tried his best to ruin your relationship with Eddie, it had resulted in a break up, then a make up and now your relationship was stronger than ever. Your Mother apologized for your Father's behavior but your old man, still would not, he hadn't spoken to you since that day that he tried to turn your world upside down. That was fine, you didn't need his negativity in your life. His plan had backfired, instead of driving you apart, it brought you closer together. You were on the same page, you knew you didn't want to live without each other, and now you were going to live together.
When he asked you accepted immediately, there was nothing that you wanted more than to move in with Eddie Munson. The two of you had been inseparable, spending every weekend together since you first hooked up. When you weren't with him , all you could think about was being with him, and now it was going to be a reality.
As much as you wanted to you couldn't move out immediately, that wasn't fair to Lisa, you told her that you would stay until she found a suitable roommate, told her to take her time with the screening process, there were a lot of weirdo's out there and she was your best friend. Luckily one of her co-workers was looking for an apartment so it all ended up working out. Leaving the apartment was bittersweet, the two of you had been through some shit in that apartment, had made some memories in that apartment and there was a part of you that was going to miss it. You would miss Lisa as well, you had been roommates since College, but it wasn't like you were a million miles apart. She was your best friend and she was happy for you.
And now it was officially move in day. You really didn't have many possessions and had been bringing small boxes over a little at a time, books , CDs etc so that it wouldn't be so much at once. Eddie, the sweet man that he was had been very accommodating, cleaning out closet space for you, shelves and shuffling things around to make room for your vanity and dresser.
" I was thinking," he said as he leaned against the doorway, hair in a messy bun, wearing an old t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off and tight, faded jeans, how was it possible that he looked so goddamn good all the time? "I was thinking that your bureau could go over there, " he pointed to the space he had created under a window , " And your vanity, could go over here, in this section ," he pointed to an empty space opposite the foot of the bed. He smiled.
" I think that sounds perfect. Thank you soo much baby-"
" You don't have to thank me Doll, this is your place now-"
You walked up to him," Our place," you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing against him.
" Our place, our home." He smiled down at you, his hands skimming down your waist to your hips, then sliding back to grab ahold of your ass. He squeezed it and pulled you closer.
" Ooh, I like the sound of that." You stood on your tip toes and brought your mouth to his, kissing him deeply, then nibbling on his lip.
Eddie slowly pulled away. " As much as I want to back you up against that doorframe and fuck your brains out, we have work to do Princess. The quicker we get your stuff moved in and put away the quicker we can open a bottle of champagne and celebrate."
You smiled." You got champagne?"
" Of course I did Sweetheart. The countdown is over. Your here, your home."
" God I love you Eddie Munson."
" I love you more Darlin." He kissed your forehead then slapped your ass. "Let's get to work."
It took a majority of the day to get things moved in and put away. It seemed so strange to see your 'business attire' and floral dresses hanging up in a closet next to Eddie's ripped jeans and leather jacket, your high heels and pumps next to his sneakers and boots.
" I like it, I like how your things look in this room." Eddie smiled as he opened up a box labeled 'bedroom' . " It's a perfect mixture of us. "
You smiled. " It is, let me know if I'm taking up too much space." You neatly placed your clothes in your bureau drawers.
" Sweetheart, half a closet and a dresser is nothing." He paused. " I was thinking that maybe at some point we could go shopping, maybe pick out a new comforter set, get some fancy fucking little pillows, some throw blankets for the back of the couch, candles, you know, stuff to give the place a little bit more of a feminine feel. I want you to really feel at home."
" Your so fucking sweet baby," your body feeling warm and fuzzy inside from his thoughtfulness." But I don't want you to feel like you need to change anything about this place, I love it just how it is."
" It could use a facelift, so seriously we will pick up a few things, paint some walls-" he lifted a purple cosmetic case out of the box and you gasped.
" I'll take that Eds." You felt your face get hot.
He looked between you and the case and he smirked. " What's in here Sweetheart?" He lightly shook it, "Doesn't sound like makeup Dollface."
" It's not."
" Can I open it?"
" If you must." You sighed.
He smiled slyly and rubbed his hands together. " Let's see what's inside shall we?"
" I know what's inside dork," you rolled your eyes dramatically and you watched him unzip the bag, your heart skipped a beat.
" Holy shit! It's an arsenal of sex toys!"
" I wouldn't call it an arsenal it's just a couple vibrat-"
" It's a sexy bag of tricks!" Eddie raised his eyebrows. " Fuck, Angel, why didn't you tell me you had these?"
" Its kind of embarrassing-"
" What? Why would you be embarrassed? Baby, it's me, we have no secrets, this is a judgement free zone."
You sigh. " You know my parents, they are prudes, we didn't openly talk about sex in my family, it was a very hush hush , Masturbation , a totally taboo topic. I had a boyfriend in high school, I lost my virginity to him, he was awful at sex, I never really.. finished, if you know what I mean." you shrugged. " It wasn't until I was out of the house, in college I experimented a little more, my friends bought me a vibrator for my birthday as a gag gift. It took me the longest time to even use it, I felt dirty, like I was doing something wrong, that feeling instilled in me from my upbringing. When I finally got the courage to use it, it was the first time I had an orgasm. I was fucking blown away. Even with Robbie I didn't always....get there. I never told Robbie , I just faked it sometimes, I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I thought it was just me, like I was broken . Then you, you sexy bastard came along and rocked my fucking world, I haven't needed to use my ' bag of tricks', almost forgot I had it until I packed it up. You are a fucking sex god, I've told you before that no one has ever made me cum like you do."
A wide Cheshire Cat smile spread across his face. " I'm happy to be of service, M'lady." Eddie took your hand and kissed it then squeezed it." Young men are very selfish, they only care about getting themselves off, they don't know how to be gentlemen. A true gentleman ALWAYS makes sure that his lady's pleasure comes before his own, hence the saying'Ladies first.' " He sighed. "Its a rule I have always tried to live by, with the exception of my first time, I was so fucking overwhelmed I busted in about two seconds, so pathetic."
You laughed, " I can't ever imagine you as pathetic in the bedroom."
" Oh it was sad. Three pumps in and it was all over." Eddie chuckled then wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his lap. " I want you to know Baby, that it's important to be honest and open about what you like. So far," He smiled wickedly, " You seem to like everything I'm doing but if you ever want to change it, try something new , TELL me. There is absolutely no need to be embarrassed ok? It's not dirty or taboo here. On the flip side of that, if there is ever anything you DONT want to do, tell me, I will NEVER make you do or try something you don't want."
He ran a hand along your cheek," Ok? "
You smiled and leaned forward to lightly kiss his lips. " I'm so lucky to have you."
" It's the other way around Sweetheart." Eddie kissed you again."Looks like we are almost done, we can finish up, I can call and order take out, we'll pop open that champagne and I'll show you just how much fun we can have together with your toys." He winked and you got back to work.
There was a great sense of accomplishment knowing that the two of you had gotten everything done, it was wonderful yet bizarre seeing your romance novels on the shelf next to Eddie's old D&D strategy guides and his copies of the lord of the rings series.  You loved this house, you loved being a part of this house.
" Dinner is on it's way Darling." You watched as Eddie opened up the bottle of champagne with a pop and poured the sparkling bubbly liquid into a couple of champagne flutes. He handed you a glass, smile so wide on his face that his eye crinkled in the corners. "Welcome home Sweetheart."
You smiled and clinked your glass with his. " I'm happy to be here." You took a big sip and then kissed him.
The two of you had polished off the entire bottle of champagne by the time the food arrived, you were starving, you were giddy and you were horny. Champagne, wine, had this affect on you, not that just looking at the man sitting across from you at the dinner table didn't already do that to you.
He had a smile on his face as he ate and he talked about things he wanted to do to the house now that you were there, maybe he could build some window boxes and you could plant some flowers in them, you nodded and smiled and only half paid attention because you couldn't stop staring at his eyes, his jaw, his lips.
" Did the bubbly hit you a little hard Princess? We should have taken a break and eaten something for lunch-"
" I'm fine Eddie," You said staring at his mouth, biting your lower lip and slowly running your foot up the inside of his leg.
" Ahhhh, I see what's going on here." He wiped his lips with a napkin than leaned across the table. " I think my Sweet Girl needs some attention, are you feeling a little worked up, Princess?"
You leaned forward, your face just inches from his. " I have been thinking about fucking you in our bed all day."
He smirked." Is that so?"
You leaned forward just a little bit further and kissed the tip of his nose."Yes, all-" you kissed the left corner of his mouth." Fucking-" you kissed the right corner now, his lips slowly spreading into a smile." Day." You lightly took his lower lip between your teeth and gave it a gentle tug than released it.
He moaned, practically crawling on top of the table just to reach you better. "Fuck Darlin, why didn't you just tell me? Remember our discussion earlier? You need to tell me," he kissed your forehead, " What-," he kissed your nose and you smiled. "You fucking-" he kissed your lips, " Want." He kissed your neck. " If you want to fuck , Angel, all you have to do is ask ." He whispered in your ear.
" Mr. Munson, Sir, will you please take me to our room and fuck me? " You pulled away from him and batted your eyelashes .
A wicked smile spread across his face. "See, was that so hard?" He backed away and walked around the table , scooping you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
You giggled as he carried you into the bedroom then squealed when he threw you onto the bed with a bounce.
He crawled on top of you and was kissing you in an instant, hot and sloppy , all tongues and teeth. You tugged at his hair and he groaned , you could feel his hardness already pressing into you, he wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
" Would you be a dear and kindly get undressed for me Doll?" He whispered in your ear.
" Of course Baby."
Eddie rolled off you and you watched him walk over to the closet and pull out your purple 'Bag of tricks'.
Your heart started pounding as you tore your clothes off. You had a feeling he was about to do wicked things to you.
He unzipped the bag and rifled through it, the whole time you sat there biting your lip. You watched as he pulled out a vibrator and set it on the bed beside you.
" I've got to tell you Princess, just the thought of you using these on yourself has got me fucking hot." He pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it to the floor. " Do you want to show me how you use it, or do you want me to use it on you? "  He unbuttoned his jeans and slowly slid them off, along with his boxers, his erection on full display.
" I, uh, I'd like for you to use it on me. "
"  Alright Darling, and remember I need feedback, I want to know if there is anything you don't like ok? Promise me that you will always tell me ok?"
You nodded as you watched him crawl onto the bed, the anticipation about to kill you.
" Words, Sweetheart. " he ran a finger down your cheek .
" I promise Eddie."
He gently took your face in his hands . "And Sweetheart, promise me you won't ever fake it with me. I want to know if what I'm doing isn't working for you, because you better fucking believe I'm not going to cum until you do . I will do whatever is necessary to make sure that you get off ok?" He ran his thumbs over your lips.
You playfully bit his thumb and heard a rumble in his chest, you smiled." I promise baby, but I really don't see that ever happening. Not when my panties get wet just looking at you."
" God I fucking love you." His lips crashed into yours and he straddled you, pressing his body into yours. He ran his hand through your hair, down your neck , down your chest where he cupped your breast, running a thumb over your hard nipple.
You broke away from his kiss  and whined into his mouth, " More, "
His mouth ravaged you, moving down , down, down your body, nipping, licking at your sensitive skin, causing your body to light up.
" May I?" He asked , looking up at you from between your legs, placing light sweet kisses on you inner thigh.
" Please." You whispered , drawing in a shaky breath.
He reached up beside you and grabbed your vibrator, turning the dial to the lowest setting to start. He ran it along your slick slit slowly, lightly nudging your clit with the tip and causing you to gasp. You obviously knew what it felt like, but the anticipation, the fact that he was in control, made you so excited.
" You ok Doll?" He asked looking up.
" Yes, please don't stop."
He went back to work , teasing you, going back and forth between his tongue and the vibrations and at times both causing a sensation you had never felt before. Your body thrummed, small whimpers spilled from your lips as he worked his magic.
" I love to hear you Sweetheart, don't be shy. I love to hear how good I'm making you feel. Those pretty little noises, they make me so fucking hard-"
You groaned as he slowly inserted the toy into your wet core, then kitten licked your clit. It sent you over the edge. " Oh god Eddie, it feels so, so-" your body shuddered as your orgasm crashed through you.
" That's it my love, " he cooed as you panted." That's my girl." He kissed the soft skin of your thighs, then your hips. He discarded the vibrator on the bed and crawled up beside you, back against the headboard, wrapping you in his arms.
" That was, amazing." You breathed, as you looked at him.
A cocky smirk spread across his face. " I aim to please."
" Your so fucking good at what you do." You kissed his neck, than the soft spot below his ear that drove him crazy. You felt him hum." Now it's my turn to make you feel good." You whispered. "Tell me what you want Eddie."
" I want you to ride my cock, fucking use me, use me like I'm your fucking toy."
You straddled him, slowly lowering yourself down on his shaft until he was buried deep inside you.
" Fuck Sweetheart, you feel so fucking good. That perfect pussy, taking me in, just like it was made for me." He grabbed your hips and you started to move, rocking back and forth, still sensitive and stimulated from before. So good, he felt so good.
You rolled your hips, lightly ran your fingertips down his taut chest, and you watched his breath hitch. You leaned forward so that your lips were barely touching and asked ," Does that feel good Baby?" You loved him in this position, back against the headboard, your bodies plastered together, your knees on either side of his hips as you bounced up and down on his cock, his gorgeous face right there infront of you to admire, because nothing was sexier than the face he made when he came.
" Your so fucking, fuck -," he tipped his head back , biting his lip and you licked his neck. He moaned.
" Do you like that baby?" You held onto the headboard behind him, " You like it when I fuck you? "  You rode him with reckless abandon, your pace relentless.
" I fucking love it-" he growled, burying his face into you neck, breathing hard, his hands digging into your hips. He thrusted up into you and you cried out. It wouldn't take long.
He was so deep, he did it again , hitting that sweet spot inside you. You felt your walls tighten around him, you felt yourself let go again for the second time that night, a euphoric wave washing over you ,making you dizzy with pleasure. You threw your head back.
" Oh god, oh god,Eddie-"
" I'm cumming, Fuck!" He was right there with you, panting, holding you close, his body shaking.
You rested your forehead on his , completely spent.
" Your so fucking good, " he murmured into your lips, hands sliding up your back and into your hair." I can't get enough. Your mine, and your here, and now I don't have to say goodbye because your already home."
" As long as I'm in your arms, Baby, I'm home."

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