Who's your Daddy?🌶️

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" Oh my god I'm so excited!! This is going to be the best birthday ever!"
My sweet Angel walked into the living room and my breath caught in my throat.
" Goddamn Sugar." Was all I could manage to get out. She stood before me wearing a red V neck shirt , her fucking rack looked absolutely exquisite , a fitted black leather jacket and a tight leather skirt that made her ass look so delicious I wanted to take a fucking bite out of it. " You do realize that every single pair of eyes in that club is going to be on you tonight, right? "
She smirked and rolled her eyes." I highly doubt that Ed's. The club is going to be full of people way hotter and way sexier than I am." I watched as she bent over to zip up her knee high boots. Fuck.
" That's highly fucking unlikely." I bit my lip then went over and slapped her ass and she yipped in surprise and then laughed.I lightly rubbed my hand over the spot that I had slapped, then pulled her close to me, rutting into her.
She hummed,"Mmmmm, Mr. Munson, starting early with the birthday spankings I see. I think I'm going to need a few more Baby."
" The night is still young Sweetheart." I whispered , nibbling on her ear.
She moaned." Don't start that or we will never get out of here."She pressed her ass into me." We are supposed to meet the crew at the club in 30 minutes."
" I know, I know. You just look so fucking fine Princess." I ran my hands up her thighs, up her stomach, squeezed her breasts. " I don't know if I will be able to fucking take it, seeing you shake your sweet fucking ass all night. Do you know how many men are going to be looking at you the way that I'm fucking looking at you right now."
She laughed." Baby I think you are overestimating my sexual prowess-"
" Your a fucking snack."
" Thank you for saying that baby, but honestly your the one that will be scoring all the attention tonight. If I'm a snack your a fucking entree because you look fucking scrumptious."
When I had asked my Wife what she had wanted for her birthday I thought that maybe she would want to go away for the weekend, or want a new piece of jewelry or something like that but she replied that she already had everything she needed, and all she really wanted was for our friends to come visit so we could all go out 'clubbing'. Now I had never gone clubbing before in my life, gone out drinking for sure , gone to shows , yes , but dancing? The only dancing I did was slow dancing because that didn't require much for foot movement. I may have excellent rhythm but I have two fucking left feet, and when I explained that to her she just laughed and told me I could just stand there and look pretty and she would do the dancing for the both of us.
Having never really gone to a dance club I had her pick out an outfit for me, she chose a nice pair of jeans and a black button down shirt that she insisted I keep the first 3 buttons undone, and a pair of boots. She also pulled the top half of my hair back into a man bun. At this point I would let her do whatever the fuck she wanted with me.
" I'm going to be the oldest person in the club."
She laughed." You are not." She slid her arms around my waist." Thank you for taking me out Baby."
" Absolutely Darling. " I leaned down and kissed her forehead. " Let's go clubbing."
The club was fucking insane, beautiful young people shimmying and thrusting to songs that I am pretty sure I had never heard before. It was funny, in the time that I had been with my Darling girl our age gap had been a total non issue, it just wasn't something that we even recognized, but tonight in this club, I felt fucking old. I was surrounded by twenty something's, well with the exception of Steve , Nancy and Robin, who we're currently having the time of their lives dancing with Lisa and my Wife. She was a couple of shots and two margaritas in and she was living her best life and I was 1000% here for that.
I watched her drink, dance and laugh and my heart fluttered in my chest. This funny , exuberant, sexy woman was mine. I could see other men looking at her, their eyes wandering over her body as she danced, as she swayed her hips and shook her ass, at first it fucking pissed me off, how fucking dare they? But then I felt pity for them because when it came right down to it they could look all they fucking wanted because it didn't matter. Her heart belonged to me. Now if they tried to touch her that would be a completely different matter.
" Hey baby," she danced her way up to me, slinky and sexy, biting her lip,hips swaying to the beat of the song. I felt my fucking dick twitch.
" Hey Sweetheart, how are you doing?" I reached out and grabbed her hips pulling her close." Are you having a good time?"
She smiled up at me and put her hands on my chest, " I am having the best time Eddie Baby." She stood on her tippy toes and lightly kissed my lips. She was so fucking adorable. " But I would be having an even better time if you would come dance with me."
I smirked. " Princess, you know I can't dance-"
" I know that you can move your fucking hips though." She winked and I laughed. " Come on.." she grabbed my hips , dancing backwards to the group . They all cheered.
Steve, who's dance floor energy was always unmatched ever since high school, clapped his hands, "Welcome to the fucking party!"
Nancy, feeling a little tipsy smiled and shimmied her shoulders and Robin, poor sweet Robin was about as good at dancing as I was but was having a wonderful time. Lisa was an absolute wild woman on the dance floor, and would shriek when certain songs would come on. That was the current situation.
" Oh my god it's our song!" She clapped excitedly. I had witnessed this about ten times over the course of the evening so far, some of their 'songs ' were Jennifer Lopez's On the floor, DMX's Party up, The Thong Song by Sisqo and Right round by flo rida. How do I know this? Because my Angel made sure to fill me in each time. The favorite song at the moment was Shoop by Salt N Pepa, that was one I actually knew.
I smiled as I watched her sing along, watched her dance , she was a ball of fucking energy right now and I fucking loved it.
When the next song came on she backed against me , wiggling her ass against me and I wrapped an arm around her waist.
" What's the name of this song Sugar?"
" Bump, Bump , bump by B2K."
Her ass bounced against my cock with each bump she said and I thought I was going to fucking die.I swayed with her and she leaned back against me." Is this what you wanted me to do Dollface?"
" This is exactly what I wanted you to do. Look at us Baby , we are dancing. "
" If you call me grinding my dick into you dancing.."
" It's sexy. See that blonde girl over there in the purple dress? I've been watching her all night. She's had her eye on you-"
" She's probably staring because she can't believe an old fucker like me is in here-"
" She is staring at you because your fucking hot. " She stopped dancing for a moment then turned around to face me. " Guess I gotta show her that your mine." She wrapped her arms around me and brought her mouth to mine.
" Ooooh the Munson's are getting freaky." I heard Robin say in the background.
I felt my girl smile against my lips as she pulled away. She looked up at me with her big doe eyes than ran her thumb across my lower lip, removing any trace of gloss she had left behind. I kissed her thumb. " There, " she said satisfied. " Now she knows who you are going home with tonight."
I pulled her in for a hug." I've got big plans for when we get home tonight. Gonna take real good care of my birthday girl."
" You always do. You always fuck me so good baby. " She whispered in my ear. "You always know what I need."
Jesus. " Your quite cheeky when you drink tequila aren't you?"
She smiled up at me. " Tequila makes me a total slut. " She giggled.
I laughed and smiled down at her." Do you need another drink?"
" Yes please. See, you always know what I need."
I kissed the top of her head then motioned to the others that I was going to get us another round. I held her protectively against my side and we walked up to the bar, Steve following close behind. She took a seat on a barstool and we moved further down the bar to where the bartender was trying to get his attention.
As Steve and I ordered I watched a young frat boy looking motherfucker slide into the seat next to my Sweetheart and start chatting her up. She was politely talking , half paying attention , looking around the room, waving to the girls still on the dance floor.
" That guys is totally hitting on your wife." Steve leaned in. " Want me to go take care of him for you?"
" Does she look uncomfortable?" I tried to look around the crowd that surrounded the bar.
" She looks bored."
" Let me know if he puts his fucking hands on her."
" You want to go over and I will wait for the drinks?"
" Yeah. Just in case he can't take a fucking hint."
I listened to their conversation as I walked over-
" So can I buy you a drink?" Frat boy asked my Angel.
" That's sweet but I'm here with someone tonight and I wouldn't want to get your hopes up or lead you on. I'm flattered though."
" Who are you here with?" That Nosy Fucker.
" My husband, my friends."
" Your married? " He smirked.
" Yes. One whole month now. Oh, here he comes!" She beamed. " Hey Baby!"
" Hi Princess." I slid my arm around her waist. " Making new friends?"
" Eddie this is Troy, Troy this is Eddie, my husband."
Troy laughed." This is your husband? He looks old enough to be your fucking Father!"
I glared and him and was just about to open my mouth when Dollface smirked and bit her lip, slowly looking me over.
" No, he's not my Father, that's fucking Daddy right there." She winked at me.
I drew in a sharp breath.Ho-ly Fuck. I felt my face get hot, my heart started racing.
"Wha-what was that Darling?"
" Are you my Daddy, Mr.Munson?" She looked up at me with her big pretty eyes and ran a finger down my chest.
I couldn't even fucking think, that one fucking single word, Daddy, had me flustered. That one fucking word, rolling off her tongue and over her lips, made me fucking feral. In that fucking moment it was just the two of us, no fucking frat boy, no dance club full of people, just my angel and I.
I leaned in to her ear." Do you have any fucking clue what that just did to me?"
" What baby, what did it do to you?" She smirked.
" I want you so fucking bad right now-"
She hopped down off the barstool and grabbed the front of my shirt, dragging me away. Somewhere in the background I could faintly hear Steve hollering." Ed, your drinks!"
I couldn't care less about drinks at this moment, all I could think about was stuffing my wife full of my cock.
She let go of my shirt when we reached a hallway and peeked her head into the ladies room." Stay right here for a minute I'm going to do a sweep." I watched her disappear for a moment, than I watched as two young women came out. A minute later she opened the door and waved me inside.
I turned and locked the door behind me then attacked. Our mouths came together in an intense meeting of lips and tongues and teeth. I felt her whimper into my mouth and I pulled away.
" I need you to be a good fucking girl for me, I need you to be real quiet my Sweet Babygirl." I whispered in her ear.
" I'll be your good girl, your bad girl, whatever girl you want me to be Daddy , I just need you to fuck me."
I practically growled into her neck , lightly biting at her before I unbuckled my pants and pulled them down. My cock was aching to be inside her.
" Jesus Eddie!" She whispered as she stepped out of her panties, I knew without even looking at them that they were moist.
I didn't waste another second, I picked her up ,hiked up her skirt and backed her into the wall , her legs automatically wrapping around me . I drove my cock into her. She was so fucking wet. She gasped, and I clenched my teeth together to keep from fucking shouting. I pounded into her and she buried her head in my neck and mumbled." Fuck me Daddy, please, feels so fucking good."
That only made me fuck her harder, she pulled my hair, I kissed her and groaned into her mouth. She whimpered and whined and clawed into my back as I fucked her into that wall.
" You feel so fucking good baby girl, so fucking good." I pressed my forehead against hers and murmured.
" I'm so close baby-" she whispered against my lips.
I snapped my hips up ,panting ,but it was enough to send us both spiraling over the edge.
I watched her face as she came, her mouth dropping open in a silent scream of ecstasy, her brows furrowed her lips puffy from biting them to stay quiet. She was fucking exquisite.
My body shook with my own release and I leaned against her trying to catch my breath.
She peppered me with kisses and I felt her lightly running her fingers up and down my back. " That was incredible baby, wow. " She smirked. " If I had known you liked to be called Daddy I would have done it sooner."
" I didn't even fucking know, it's like I just fucking snapped. " I held her face in my hands and kissed her then carefully backed away lowering her to the floor. I held her a moment,her legs shaking."You good Sweetheart? I'm sorry I was rough-"
She smiled. "Your sorry that you gave me a mind blowing orgasm that made my legs wobbly?" She kissed the tip of my nose,"My sweet , darling man, you have no reason to be sorry. "
There was a knock at the door, I looked at my Sweetheart, panicking.
" Occupied! Be right out!!!" She hollered.We quickly tidied ourselves up and made ourselves presentable as quickly as we could . I ran a hand along my Angel's hair and gave her one more kiss.
"I love you baby." She whispered, than opened the door. I heard her laugh.
" I , uh, got your drinks." Steve smirked holding up two glasses and shook his head. " I wanted to make sure everything was alright, you guys kinda rushed off after talking to that dipshit... when you didn't come right back...I'm realizing now everything is just fine."
I stepped beside my Wife, pulled her close and smiled." Yeah, we're fucking amazing."
Steve smiled." Yeah."
We walked down the hallway and back to the table the girls had claimed.
" Yay, they are back!!" Lisa cheered.
" Time for a toast," Steve raised his glass."Tonight we toast a woman that, within this past year has become a friend, become family, and has stolen our best friends heart and become Mrs. Munson. Let's raise a glass to this lovely lady, hope you are able to start off this next year of your life with a bang!" He winked ,she laughed and I just about died.

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