Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Riley's Point of View

Dressing in my bathing suit, I threw on a pair of shorts and a random blue v-neck and darted out of my room for the closet in the hall right before the kitchen.

Grabbing my board from the closet, I closed the door and made my way to the door in the kitchen, making sure not to hit anything on my way out.

It took a measly five minutes to get to the beach where I was to meet Rowan and Bea, then another two to find them.

Rowan was sitting on a beach towel under a beach umbrella writing in her journal, as usual, and Bea was pulling off her flimsy white tank top to reveal her black bikini top.

"Ri!" Rowan called out my name, waving me over. I smiled, walking over to where they had sprawled out their items on the warm, white sand.

After dropping my stuff down, I heard Bea's voice, "Ready to hit the waves kid?"

I turned to see her crouched over her board, wiping it down with a rag.

"Never been readier."

She smiled, "Good, because last one there is a rotten egg!" She called, dashing through the sand with her board.

"Hey no fair!" I called after her, pulling off my blue v-neck before kicking off my flip flops and dashing to the water.

I stopped right before the waters edge to inspect the waves. In the midst of my admiring, I didn't notice the presence beside me until I heard a deep chuckle.

I didn't turn to look at him, "So you're following me now?"

Wes chuckled again, "Nah, I enjoy a good wave once in a while though."

I turned to face him, "You surf?"

He nodded, still looking out onto the horizon.

"Well, better get out there before the waves are gone." He rushed out before dashing into the water, me following after him.


"Woo!" I cheered out, standing up off my board after catching an epic wave that looked like it would carry me well towards the surface.

But just as I had caught my balance, I looked to my left to see Wes flip over a wave on his board.

"Show off." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Suddenly, my foot slipped and I let out a sequel as I fell off my board and into the choppy water.

Not expecting the fall, my mouth had been opened and in flowed a wave of water. I coughed, desperately trying to fill my lungs with air but instead was met with more water. My eyes too had been filled with water forcing me to glue them closed, and my nose had been blocked by my flowing hair.

Blinded, I desperately tried to claw my way to the surface as my thinking became woozy. Just as I had thought I was a goner, I felt a hand under my arm, pulling me to the surface and onto a board.

Still dizzy from the lack of oxygen to my brain and my eyes still shut from the stinging of the water that had flooded them, I wasn't able to see the person who pulled me out as I felt the board skid through the water and droplets of water on my legs as the person who rescued me peddled to the beach.

I felt the board collide with the solid ground and my body being lifted from the board and onto the warm sand.

The pain from my eyes had cleared as I felt a pressure on my chest. It felt as if someone was performing CPR on me.

I was able to open my eyes slightly before shutting them closed again due to the blinding sun. In my short glimpse I was able to see the person's blonde hair. I immediately knew that it was Bea as I heard her frantic voice calling out indistinct demands that sounded far off.

All thoughts had been cleared from my mind as I shot up from my laying position coughing up water.

As I coughed, the crowd of people began to cheer. Finally finishing the coughing, a random hand from the crowd handed me a towel to wipe my face on which I gladly accepted.

As people began to clear out and back to their beach towels and surfboards, I took in my surroundings.

Bea was off to the far left, an arm slung around a relieved Rowan. No wonder her voice sounded so far off. But if she was over there, who...

"Close one there." I cringed at the sound of his voice.

Slowly turning around, I looked to see a shirtless Wes with tousled hair and his signature smirk on his face but a worried glint in his eyes.

I jumped to my feet, dusting the sand off the back of my thighs.

He looked up towards me with a humored expression before rising to tower over me once more.

"No really it was no problem saving your life and all." He said, grinning.

"Thanks." I rushed out, scurrying over to Rowan and Bea who yanked me into their embrace.

After explaining just how much I had terrified them, Bea raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"What?" I asked, afraid of where this was going.

"That guy practically saved your life and you brush him off with a simple 'Thanks'?"

I shrugged in response.

"It's true Ri, just before you sat up he was about to do mouth-to-mouth, and he didn't look very displeased about it either." Rowan said.

I shrugged once again.

"And when you fell in, he was the first to notice. He called out your name and dove right off his board and into the water for you. That board is probably long gone by now. And those don't come cheap." Bea felt the need to add.

A realization suddenly hit me, "Where's my board?"

"He swam you in on it, it's over there." Rowan pointed to where my board was resting.

I walked over to where it was laid out across the sand.

Tucking it under my arm, I noticed something glistening in the sand.

Bending down, I picked up the multi-colored beaded bracelet from the sand and held it between my fingers. I knew it was Wes' from the rich scent of cologne, his cologne, embedded into it.

I walked back over to Bea and Rowan.

"See you guys later," I said, "I'm heading home."

"Bye Ri!" Rowan called, waving widely from under her beach umbrella.

"Later kiddo." Bea waved, picking up her board to hit the waves once again.

I began the short walk home until I finally arrived at the porch of the house. Placing my board against the side of the house, I swung open the screen door and entered into the house, the bracelet still between my fingertips.

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