19 - Lennox

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My entire body aches from the whipping she gave me—it is so brutal and awful

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My entire body aches from the whipping she gave me—it is so brutal and awful. For a face like that, she is fucking atrocious. Even still, with the painful, searing wounds scourging my entire body, I have her trapped against the wall. 

Grasping her throat firmly with one hand, I am trapping her hand that is still clutching the knife. A stream of blood spurts from my hand as it grips her throat, my blood seeping down her garment and soaking it in my essence.

"You fucking killed him." She screams in my face. "He was my favorite bodyguard."

"I know."

"I was hoping the red water would blind you. I really should have gouged out both of your eyes."

"But you didn't." I give a sly smile, gripping her throat firmly. "It means you love my eyes too much to gouge them out. You love it when I make eye contact with you and make you feel things you shouldn't feel." 

"You are delusional." She barks in my face, struggling to escape my grip. "Let me go," She screams in my face, digging her nails deep into my wrist. "What did you do?" 

I study her facial features briefly before replying, "I killed a man I did not like." 

I've got her pinned to the wall, but it's taking every ounce of strength I have left to keep her in place. Withdrawing my hands from her throat, I grab her hand that's clawing at my wrist and pin it to the wall as well. 

I sense an overwhelming sense of hatred and rage in the air around us. 

She slants her face to the side, staring at the blood-covered guy as he lies there, and makes a strong attempt to escape my grasp. But, she fails terribly. Again. 

"Get off me," She says, staring at the dead body. 

"You are weak," I say, pushing off her. "How did you kill my twelve men?" I take a couple of steps back from her. 

Before she has a chance to reply I break out in laughter, "They hesitated. They didn't fire back. You used Aiden as a shield all along. There was no way you could have overpowered them otherwise." 

I welcome silence. "Why the knives? Why did you stab them after they had already died." My curiosity deepens. 

"You killed the man I promised I wouldn't let anything happen." She angrily points a finger at me, dismissing my previous question. 


"So?" She scoffs. "Do you fucking...."

"Don't tell me you are feeling guilty." I  shrug, cutting her off. 

"Guilt and regrets. Not my cup of tea. I don't know what they feel like." She says blandly. 

She is good at pretending and masking her insecurities to people she would rather experiment cannibalism on. There is no way in hell she is not feeling guilty, terrible, and painfully sad right now, for that favorite bodyguard of hers. Not my fault. I had warned her. 

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