Welcoming Gift

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As we head toward the scream we hop off our mechas and toward the danger. We hear a man sounding voice call out

  "Oh come on, none of you are up for a friendly duel? You aren't afraid of these slugs are you?"

 "Those aren't slugs." Says Eli, walking out of the mist flanked by the rest of us. "Those are ghouls."

  "Ah, I was wondering when you'd get here Shane."

 "Those aren't welcome here. And neither are you." Eli states and we all aim our blasters at him. Bullet is loaded and ready to go in my blaster, and the gangs slugs are too.

 "Four against one... that's not fair is it?" CC asks.

 "Rules went out he window when you pledged allegiance to Blakk." States Trixie.

 "I guess I'll just have to level the playing field.. Then I'll level the four of you." Cc says.

 We all fire up out blasters, ready to shoot.

 "Are you gonna go quietly CC, or is this going to get loud." States Eli.

 "Really?" I ask?

 "Give him a break. He's new to this hero thing." Kord calmly says.

 Cc shots a ghouled Tormato and we all shoot our slugs. Before they hit velocity the ghoul uses a move that blows them all back at us. Trixie and pronto are blow away but Kord stands strong, and is holding up Eli. I wasn't blown away. I am hanging onto a tree branch above the wind, that I managed to climb. Eli shoots Joules and he transforms. It is suddenly shot back at Eli, and my instincts kick in and I drop down and take the hit. I am shocked and out of breath. Cc laughs

 "You're in over your heads. Try not to lose them." He shoots another ghoul, a thresher, and it almost slices my arm off. Eli shoved me out of the way and ducked before it got his head. We took cover behind a rock. Eli shoots his Rammstone and after CC switches out his blaster mod he does to. The un-ghouled one of Eli's Is knocked out.

"Minor setback." A hop rock blows up our cover.

"No big deal"

 "Eli you may be trying to comfort us" I shoot Comet "but it's not really working!"

 Trixie speaks up "Did you see the mods he had for his blaster?" I nod "and he's shooting ghouls. We have no match for that! She states! Eli jumps over to the rock Pronto and Trixie are using for cover and takes the flatorinkus.

 "May I?" He asks "oh by all means" replays pronto, confused.

 "Eli that's just a stinker! It won't do anything against his ghouls!" Trixie exclaims.

 "Which is exactly why he'll never see it coming." Trixie nods and I climb a tree. I load Iris and hang from a tree branch by my feet, swinging over CC, unnoticed. Eli shoots the stinker, but it's shot back at him. He collapses to the ground,

 "Ugh that is so foul!" He complains, holding his throat.

 "Haha dumb, you had to know I was going to bounce it back at you." Cc says, blaster to Eli's forehead.

 "That was the idea. Eli winks and I fire up my blaster, as does Pronto, Kord and Trixie who are surrounding him.

 He notices all 4 of us and Eli says "You have two choices. Make a cheap shot on me in which my fiends open fire or you walk away." I growl and so does Iris, who is loaded up In my blaster.

 "Clever move kid." Cc puts up his blaster and whistles twice. The first calls his ghouls, who climb up him and into the red slugisters. The second, more high pitched on calls his horse mecha. He saddles up and says, out of the blue "How's that clubhouse of yours coming on? You settling in?"

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