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Jungwon's POV :
The class has begun for 20 minutes, and for the first time in awhile i'm not catching up to anything the teacher had said nor writing down anything about the materies. I found myself genuinely curious of the new kid so i keep glancing at him. Especially curious with how he looks due to the mask that he wearing.
But... is he sick or something? I mean, not just because of the mask, he also wears jacket when it's not really that cold in here. He keeps looking down to his notes, writing down what the teacher had said, but rarely raise his head up. Even before, when the teacher ask him to introduce himself, he speaks so softly that you barely can hear it and still keep his head low as well. As if he didn't want to make eye contact with anyone at all. So, how come i'm not curious about him, right?
Should i ask him to join lunch with me at the cafeteria later?
It could be a nice way to befriend him isn't it?
Okay i'll do that, and i better start to pay attention to the class right now before i get scolded by the teacher for real.

Sunoo's POV :
Finally my first class ended. Now i panic a little bit, where should i go? My next class is 45 minutes away and i don't know where to wait. And cafeteria totally isn't on the option for sure.
How about rooftop? Yeah let's try there.
Let's just hope that the door access isn't locked.
When i about to rise up from my seat, that previous boy named Jungwon asks me, "Hey, do you wanna come with me to the cafeteria?"
I froze in my seat. I really want to answer 'no' right away, but he looked so hopeful and excited.
How could i reject him without seems rude?
"I uh... i'm sorry Jungwon-ssi, b-but i'm not hungry."
Jungwon looks puzzled though, "Really? Not hungry at this hour? I've had my breakfast but i'm already hungry as hell right now... But if that so, then where will you go?"
I just keep silent because actually i don't want anyone to know i'm going to rooftop.
After a mere silence, he spoke again, "Ahh i'm sorry Sunoo-ssi, i'm prying you too much aren't i?"
Now i'm panic because i didn't mean to make him feel that way.
"N-no! It's not like that, i promise. It's just... i find it hard to speak with other people. And i don't wanna bother you anyway. So... believe me it's not like that Jungwon-ssi."
"You are not bothering anyone at all, if there's someone who is bothering, i think it's me right now", he said while scratching his neck and laughing sheepishly.
"But are you sure you don't want to go to the cafeteria?" He asked once again.
"Thank you for the offer though Jungwon-ssi, but i think i'll pass".
"Alright then, see you Sunoo-ssi!", he said while waving his goodbye to me excitedly.

I sighed a little loud after that conversation with Jungwon.
Believe me, it's really hard for me to not befriend him. He's so handsome yet cute, and cheerful. I can't count how many times i felt guilty while rejecting every offer of his.
But i can't let myself accept that.
After a little bit of pondering, i try to find my way to the rooftop before i have to attend the next class.
Thank god it's not locked and empty.
I found myself coming here every time i have to wait for my next class for the rest of the day.
And before i know it, it's already time for students to go home.
'Phew, you've made a day Sunoo! Let's keep it this way 'til the end, okay?' I've said that internally, patting myself while i'm walking home.

3rd POV :
Yeah Sunoo survived 1 day at school. But after he gets home? Who knows what happened to him and his mind after he welcomed by a darkness and emptiness at his own apartment?
Even though, it's not because of he is alone, no.
It's because his mind that filled with so much chaos.
After he entered his apartment, he changed his uniform, done his homework, and then not knowing what to do next.
He's just spaced out on his bed, then shut his eyes, somehow remembering his past.

"How could you do that Sunoo?!"
"Dirty ass!"

After that, it gets worse.

"Can't you see how fat you are?"
"Hey, can you do me too? Hahaha"
"Disgusting, how can he still shows his face here?"

Sunoo's breaths become unstable now.

"Just die!!"
"Useless piece of trash anyway"
"Dirty things shouldn't be at school, they should be thrown away"

Suddenly Sunoo snapped opened his eyes, finding himself breathing irregularly. Clutching his hands in order to calm himself. His heart beating fastly as well.
He tries to look at his phone, 2.35 a.m...
'So i fell asleep and had a nightmare...again. Nothing new. This happens everyday anyway.'

Jolted awake at dawn, with irregular breathing and heart beating rapidly, sometimes if it's the worst, he shed some tears and let out a scream.
This is Sunoo's regular thing everyday. Every dawn. No matter how tired his body is, this still would happened.
When it first happened, Sunoo was so stressed about it, because it's destroying his sleep pattern. But now, he becomes so used to it. So the choices are: try to go back to sleep or just wait and stay awake 'til it's time to go to school.

This time, he chose to stay awake, remembering he'll have a long way trip to his school. To spend his remaining time 'til then, he headed to the bathroom, and stared at the mirror. Looking at himself, then he became so self-conscious.
Opening his drawer, he took his razor.

I think you'll know where is this going...

1 cut.

2 cuts.

3 cuts.

He keeps cutting his wrist, letting his blood dripping to the sink.
Until he felt himself collected enough, he put away the razor, treat and bandage his cuts, cleaned the sink, and then getting ready for his long way to his school.

Heyyy thereee! I know it took me kinda long time to update, and i'm really sorry for that though😭
Anyway, wanted to inform you guys that I won't put any warning before the disturbing things like how i've done on this chapter.
I've put all the warnings in the description though, so basically this is how the story will goes.
Thank you for reading guyss!❤️

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