chapter 459

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I think after today I’ll just stop reading comments from now on.

I’m too sensitive for Wattpad I guess.



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Hearing those words, Jeremy’s face went pale with shock before it turned red with pure rage.

"Victoria told you that?" Jeremy asked angrily, not for his son, but for Victoria.

Braden nodded. "Yeah. She wanted me to tell her where Mommy Elsa took me, but I didn't tell her because that's my secret with Mommy Elsa... She got mad at me and said that to me... I didn't tell you because she said she'll hurt me if I did."

Jeremy didn't know if he should be angry at the fact that Victoria said those ugly words to his son or excited by the fact that she said those words, making Jeremy even more sure that Braden was his son.

Rosanna balled her fists in anger when she heard that. Victoria was so despicable. How did she manage to hide her true colors from everyone this whole time?

"Oh my god! Victoria is evil! It's no wonder she was so quick to try to kill Braden. A mama bear protects its cub, but Victoria did the opposite because Braden is not hers!" Rosanna exclaimed.

Looking at how happy Braden looked playing with his bubbles, Rosanna's eyes softened as she said, "One thing I noticed was the strained relationship between Braden and Victoria. The child even looked happier when Victoria was away."

"No wonder Braden felt so connected to Elsa. Maybe his instincts felt Elsa could be his mother. Comparing the Braden from before and the one today, he looks so happy and cheerful. He is not as gloomy and quiet as he used to be. I guess his mother's love fixed him." Jeremy almost became emotional as he said that.

Rosanna wiped away a tear as she imagined how happy Elsa would be when she learned that Braden was her son. "This is valid proof. Elsa needs to know! She needs to know right away."

Jeremy turned to Rosanna and shook his head. "No, Rosanna. Let's check first and confirm this before telling Elsa. We need to have the proof from a DNA test before we tell Elsa anything. That way we can show it to her."

"You're right, let's not tell her too hastily. This is just a strong belief now. We have to prove it... So how do we do that without Elsa knowing? Do we steal her toothbrush?"

"That's not really necessary. With you being the grandmother, we could do a paternity test for grandparent and grandchild."

Rosanna nodded showing she understood. That would still work the same.

Looking confused, Rosanna asked, "If Braden is your child with Elsa, was Victoria even pregnant at all?"

Jeremy let out a deep sigh before saying, "The time Victoria claimed to be pregnant, I was very drunk and don't even remember what happened. Other than that incident, Victoria and I never shared a bed together or did anything. We barely even held hands."

Rosanna thought for a moment before she exclaimed, "Then that could mean Victoria faked her pregnancy. She was never carrying your child after all!"

That made sense to Jeremy judging by the fact that she was giving birth and had time to scheme and plot to make Elsa's baby.

"That was why Elsa was induced into labor. She was to give birth on the same day as Victoria's 'due date'. Heh!... She hid my baby right in front of me. I've been searching for someone who has been around me this entire time," Jeremy laughed as he cried.

Jeremy then asked Braden to keep her birthmark a secret from Elsa when they meet. Jeremy wanted Elsa to know after they got the DNA proof. Then Elsa could see the birthmark. Even though they knew for certain Braden was the son Elsa and Jeremy lost, a confirmation would mean the world.

After giving Braden his bubble bath, Jeremy and Rosanna took Braden to the hospital where Doctor Roger, the McConnells' personal doctor, collected her and Braden's DNA samples.

The results would be ready within three days, so they had to wait.

That night, Jeremy spent it sitting next to Braden's bed. He looked at him sleeping and noticed he had Elsa's eyebrows. When he smiled, he had her dimples too. He had her heart-shaped lips and her smile. The child resembled him more, but he definitely inherited his cuteness from his mother.

Remembering how he ignored Braden before, Jeremy's heart pained. His guilt for being responsible for Elsa losing their first child and not helping her during her second ate at him so much that he couldn't even look at Braden without remembering his other two children. But it wasn't Braden's fault, was it?

'I'm so sorry, son. I have wronged both you and your mother so much,' Jeremy ended up falling asleep on the chair while holding Braden's hand.


I’m so mad today and it’s 12 am in the morning. Don’t be surprised if the last chapter for today has rants.

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