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I'm spiralling again.
Round and round,
up and down,
The thoughts come down like rain.

Turn that frown upside down
You okay?
I'm fine.
You can tell me anything.
I know.
I cant I can't I can't...

It's the same wish again and again.
My friends don't love me.
My grades are getting worse.
My parents are dissapointed.
I'm dying

Pull me out of this puddle.
I can't lift my leg.
Wrap me up in all your love
Give me a cuddle.
Tell me I'm worth your love.

I'll try to believe you.
These waves of what if never end.
What if what if what if

What if I'd said that?
They'd text me back.
What if I don't respond?
They'll hate me.

But wait.
Am I better than them?
For I hate myself more than they could ever hate me.

I am better than them.
Am I?

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