Chapter 13

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"You're in Paris?"

"With Jude Bellingham?" May and Eleanor squeaked down the phone.

"Shush," I smiled as I watched their excited eyes jump around the screen. "He's in the other room."

"Wait, he's in your suite?" May gasped. "Is he staying with you?"

"No, no he's trying on his suit for the ceremony tonight," I replied. "He wanted to check that it looked ok."

"He could go wearing a bin bag and he'd look better than ok," Eleanor laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Why do I even call you?"

"Because you love us," May smiled. "Also, if Jude could get me João Félix's number that would be great."

"Hey if she gets one, I want Pablo Gavi's" Eleanor added.

"Hanging up now," I smiled.

As I did, Jude walked out of the bedroom in a black suit. He brushed it down and grinned at me. "So? What do you think?"

I looked him up and down. "You look like a sailor, with giant trousers," I tried to keep a serious face but he just rolled his eyes and took off the jacket and placed it neatly on the couch.

"You'd be a lot more convincing with your insults if you weren't checking me out right now," Jude smirked and picked up his water bottle. I felt myself turn bright pink and he smiled more. "Anyway, this is a nice room."

"It is isn't it?" I looked out the window at the view of the Eiffel Tower. "John always stays in this hotel when he's in Paris."

Jude nodded. "So how rich is Jonny boy?"


"What? I'm just saying, he lives in London, he's always travelling, he stays in places like this," he shrugged. "Just curious."

"Firstly, stop calling him Jonny boy," I laughed. "And I'll just say that the summer in Monaco, spend Christmas in the Highlands and spend New Year's in Dubai."

"Wow," Jude looked amazed. "So he's rich rich."

"His grandfather used to go shooting with Prince Phillip at Balmoral."


"Mhm," I recalled the extremely long conversation with John as he went through his entire family tree dating back to the late 18th century, that was a fun day.

I watched Jude as he played with the buttons on his jacket. I was totally transfixed on every single thing that he did. I knew it was wrong, but there was something about Jude that had me hooked and as far as I moved away, he kept reeling me back in.


I snapped back into the room to fine him staring at me. "Yes, what?"

"I was thinking," he started before pausing. "Never mind."

"Jude, don't do that," I pointed my finger at him. "You know that annoys me."

"I know," he grinned again, he knew exactly what he was doing. "Fine, why don't you come to the ceremony tonight?"

I stopped and stared. I played back what he just said. "You're inviting me to the Ballon D'Ors?"

"Well, it's more of a 'please come because it's really long and I don't want to be bored.'"

I jumped up. "Oh my god, of course I want to go!" I spun round a few times and grabbed my phone. "I need a dress."

He laughed at me. "Would you sit down?"

"No Jude, this is serious," I exclaimed. "I need shoes and jewellery and the right make up and, I need to call John."

"Firstly, you're forgetting we're in Paris," he said calmly. "There's about a billion places we can go. Secondly, why do you need to call John?"

"Just to let him know."

"Does he not trust you with me or something?" He smirked.

"Don't get cocky," I walked over to my bag and picked it up. "Some people like to communicate with their boyfriend. It's called being in a mature relationship."

Jude scoffed. "Please, you were 19, like a minute ago."

I glared at him. He sat with his feet up, smug and smiling. I really hated the fact he looked so good. "Let me remind you that you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me, be nice."

"You're right, sorry," Jude put his hands up in surrender. "Your relationship is very important."

"Did you just use air quotes? Are you 12?"

He just smiled at me, his annoyingly perfect smile.

"I am going to find a dress, buy some shoes and I will see you before the ceremony," I stormed towards the door. "Also you should know, that I am only going to be in the same room as David Beckham and Lionel Messi."

"Sure," he laughed and I slammed the door.

Electric Touch | Jude Bellingham Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin