Chapter 15

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It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Cameras everywhere, lights and people filled every available space just to catch a glimpse of their favourite star.

Jude clung to the side of me. I'd never seen him like this before. Normally his arrogance flowed from him like a river, but tonight, I'd barely seen him smile, never mind make a sarcastic remark.

Jude stood in front of the cameras as they yelled his name, asking him to turn every which way, but he just stared forwards. I stood at the sidelines scanning his face, trying to understand what was going on.

He looked back at me when he was ready to leave and gestured for me to follow him. By this point, the paparazzi were already distracted by another star appearing behind us, but I didn't look back to check.

I pulled Jude to the side before we entered the room. I looked up at him, his 6ft 1 frame which normally towered over me, looked tired and slumped slightly. "Are you alright?"

He sighed and smiled sweetly, making the butterflies dance in my stomach. "I'm just very out of my comfort zone, that's all, but you make it feel more like home."

I blinked at him, not quite sure what to say, if there really was anything to say. Did I really mean that much to him? I mean, we'd practically been inseparable these past few days and it was never awkward. Not like we hadn't spoken in 3 years. I suppose there was always this invisible string tying us together, even if we were on separate ends of the continent, we were always connected. It had always been like that, I thought.

Back when we were 7 and Lexi was 12, she'd take us to the park near our houses and play with us. We loved the swings, we'd sit next to each other and scream for Lexi to push us higher and higher.
One day however, I let go of the chain, thinking I would take off and fly, unfortunately, I didn't and plummeted to the ground, learning very quickly about gravity. I remember the worse pain I had ever felt in my right ankle. I screamed and screamed for what felt like hours. Lexi was panicking, more about what trouble she might be in, calling our mum and then an ambulance.
Jude however, stayed very calm. He got off his swing, and sat cross legged with me, squeezing my hand and not letting go once.

I smiled. "For what it's worth," I said, linking his arm through mine, pushing John to the back of my mind. "I feel the same way."

Jude looked down at me, his eyes slowly beginning to sparkle once more. To my surprise, he didn't mention John, or anything on that subject. He walked forwards. "Come on then, let's get this thing over with."

Sorry it's been a while, a levels are actually destroying me, I had this saved for like 2 weeks thinking I'd published it 😬

Thank you for reading and hope you enjoy! ❤️

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