Farmeed camping trip

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Umeed was in their room doing some work on the computer when Farjaad  came and said " Umeed guess what?? My friend just called me and asked if we'd like to join them on a camping trip.." Then Umeed replied, "Farjaad  , we've had a lot of adventure already. I want to spend some time alone with you." Farjaad  looked at Umeed in awe and said, "But a happy adventure this time Umeed ." Umeed got tears in her eyes remembering everything and hugs Farjaad  . Farjaad  consoled Umeed and asked her if she'd like to take her mind off this stuff and make new happy memories with adventure. Umeed nodded her head agreeing to Farjaad  and said, "as long as you'll be with me all the time." Farjaad  smiled brightly at Umeed 's innocent words and kissed her on her forehead. "I will never leave you", he said giving her a mischievous smile. Seeing his cheekiness, Umeed was about to leave when Farjaad  grabbed her and brought her closer. "Farjaad  , what are you doing?" "Umeed you said you wanted to spend time with me", and leaned in to kiss her when mamaknocked on the door. This startled them both and Farjaad  went up to see why mamawas knocking at this hour. "I just wanted to ask you about that consignment. You sure it'll be finished by tomorrow?" "Yes mama." "Thank god", said mama. As mamwas about to leave, Farjaad  called mama again and asked if Umeed and himself could go out for a week with their friends. "Ofcourse Farjaad  . You don't need to ask about this." Farjaad  thanked mama and mma left. "Well, since mama said yes, should we pack our bags?" ", Umeed, we were in the middle of something." Umeed smiled shyly and looked at Farjaad.  Farjaad took a step closer to Umeed and pulled her closer to him. , Umeed was about to say something but Farjaad put his finger on her lips and leaned in to kiss her. Umeed pushed him away and said, "Mr Husband a good husband, help me pack." "Nah, we'll wake up early and pack. But I want my kiss now." "You and wake up early?? Very funny Farjaad" Umeed insisted on packing and Farjaad had to agree otherwise they'd be standing on the same spot all night. Farjaad rushed the packing and continuously kept on ranting to Umeed about what he's packed already so she doesn't need to worry.
Whilst they were packing, Umeed friend / cousin  Haya called her and asked if she'd like to hand out with them. Umeed then told him that both Farjaad and her are going camping with Farjaads friends. Farjaad told Umeed to ask haya and sameer  if they like to tag along. When Umeed asked Haya, she told her she has to ask pasha saab . Umeed was being an interpreter between Farjaad and Haya  and getting irritated. Farjaad took the phone from her and talked to Haya himself. "You both are coming thats final they asked pasha saab he said yes  Umeed got really happy as Farjaad  lovely gesture towards her family and thanked him. "That's not the thanks I want. I want something else", he said and leaned in to kiss her. "Call your family and tell them about this at least that my family are coming along as well." Farjaad rolled his eyes and called his friend Dhruv and told him about a bit of change in plans. Dhruv happily agreed and the plan was all set. Farjaad finished their packing and Farjaad smiled brightly because they finished it much quicker than Umeed planned. "So now, no more excuses Umeed", Farjaad said mischievously. Knowing what Farjaad means, Umeed kissed him on the cheek and said they should sleep now. "No Umeed that is not my kiss." "Farjaad, behave yourself, and let's go to sleep." Farjaad glared at , Umeed and left with a pillow to the balcony. "Farjaad, come back inside." "Nah, what's the point when my wife isn't agreeing with me." "Farjaad I'm telling you, come inside or I'll close the window. Sleep in the balcony all night." Farjaad stubborn on his words, didn't move and rolled his eyes. Umeed closed the window leaving Farjaad  outside and went to sleep.

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