Part 3

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In the morning, Farjaad and Umeed were the last ones to wake up and get ready. They quickly came out and apologised as they were late. "No worries bhai. We understand", said Dhruv. They started to laugh and Farjaad  just looked at Umeed  nodding his head sideways.
They all packed their clothes to change at the water park they were heading to and left.
When they got there, they were all debating on which ride to go on first. So they all decided that they'd go with whoever wants to go on the same ride at that time. Farjaad waited for everyone to finish deciding where they were going so he could choose a completely different one for Umeed and himself and left. He chose a water slide which dropped from approximately 30 feet height through a dark tunnel. Umeed was scared at first and kept a strong hand on Farjaad's hand. Farjaad wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to calm her down and both sat in the riding raft. "Chill Umeed. Didn't know you were scared of heights", Farjaad joked, taking Umeed's mind off the height, "but trust me, you'll love it later." The attender let go of the raft into the slide. Umeed kept a tight grip on Farjaas' s hand whilst it was going down. Farjaad looked at Umeed and couldn't resist his laugh and kissing her on the forehead as she had her eyes tightly scrunched. When the ride finished, Umeed was laughing hard at what just happened and also shaking whilst Farjaad was just looking at her smiling. Then they went on other rides but Farjaad was willing to go to wave pool to have some chill, but Umeed  insisted on rides. It then hit Farjaad that Umeed doesn't know how to swim and that's why she's avoiding the wave pool. "Umeed  let's go to the wave pool now and I'll help you get started a little on swimming techniques. And knowing Umeed would protest to that, Farjaad put his finger on her lips and told her to come along. The wave pool was quiet and rested when they went in so he told to her come in. She was hesitant at first but Farjaad pulled her in. He told her to keep her feet on the group and not shake. He then asked her to go underwater and hold her breath for 5 seconds. "Farjaad I really don't know what to do."  "Take a deep breath", he told her and pushed her down. Umeed got very scared and quickly came out shaking her head and her legs shaking. "Umeed, didn't I say hold your breath for 5 seconds." "But I'm not used to this." "So what? I thought you trusted me", he said. Umeed narrowed her eyes at Farjaad's blackmailing, took a deep breath and went underwater. Just as 5 seconds finished, she came out gasping for air. "Good one. Now hold onto my shoulders", Farjaad said. "Why?" "Just do so Umeed. You say you trust but ask a lot of questions." Umeed pouted and help Farjaad on his shoulders. Farjaad led Umeed into deeper water since they were at the water level at their stomachs and into the depth, where water was up to their chests. "Now if possible, leave your body lose and don't stress on your feet a lot. But keep a hold on my shoulders to balance." Umeed tried but couldn't as she couldn't stop stressing her legs. "It's ok. Try again." "Farjaad how about some other time? I started today yeah, but can't continue here." Farjaad glared at Umeed and swum into deeper water leaving her behind. Umeed went back to her comfortable water levels and was soon joined in by others. After some time, others decided to go and finish on the rides and Farjaad  went to get towels for him and Umeed as Umeed was talking to Haya still. Haya went to washroom and Umeed was left waiting for Farjaad . Whilst she was waiting, two guys from the back said, "hello madame, seems like you're alone here." Umeed glared at them and turned around ignoring them. "Well no one is here right now, how about you join us for a swim?", the second guy said. Getting irritated from their misbehaving attitude, Umeed fumed but to not create a scene, she started to walk the other way and bumped into Farjaad without realising. "Wow. You won't come for a swim with us." Figuring out why Umeed is fumed and their misbehaviour, Farjaad pulled Umeed behind him and started to walk towards the guys. "Farjaad, leave it." Just then Rohit and Dev came and saw something is wrong. Rohit asked Umeed what happened and why is Farjaad so fumed. Umeed told him that the guys were misbehaving with her. Dev and Rohit started to laugh and said, "they're gone now. They don't know who they messed with." But they both went and stood amongst Farjaad so no scene is created any further. Seeing them, the two guys went away. After dinner they all had a chat around the bone fire again and then went to sleep as it was an exhausting fun day. In the tent, Umeed  was ranting on about how she was feeling the whole day and Farjaad  was listening thinking how much she can talk at once. He got up and pulled her closer which shut her up. Farjaad leaned in to kiss her and Umeed asked, "why are you in such a romantic mood nowadays? Especially today." "Well, we were at a water park today and you can't even imagine how hot u looked." "Well if that's the case, did you see yourself?," Umeed asked in a flirty gesture, "when you took of your t-shirt to change, I couldn't believe my husband is actually this hot." "Well then, why are you avoiding your hot husband?" "Who said I'm avoiding", said Umeed and leaned in to kiss him. Umeed entangled her fingers in his hair and pulled them when Farjaad bit her lower lip. He was starting to unbutton Umeed shirt when Umeed  stopped him and asked what he's doing. "Well I don't know why you're hesitating." Umeed narrowed her eyes and unbuttoned the top button of Farjaad s shirt. Just then Rohit and Dev flashed their lights at the tent. Farjaad rolled his eyes and went out to ask what's happening. Seeing Farjaad's ruffled hair and somewhat pink lips, they couldn't hold their laugh and apologised for disturbing them and said, "we were going to the hotel to grab a couple of things, wanted to ask if you guys needed something." "No thanks. And thanks for realising you guys disturbed", Farjaad replied. Farjaad went back inside and saw Umeed getting ready to sleep. Farjaad pulled Umeed closer and asked if they should continue from where the finished. He then realised Farjaad was trying to un hook the button which was at the back of the shirt which he opened and held her hand to stop her and pulled her closer. "Farjaad, behave." Farjaad ignored and leaned in to kiss her and before she could protest again, he locked her lips with his and laid down. Umeed thought to get a bit daring aswell and flipped so she was on top of Farjaad to his surprise. She kissed him on his neck and started to unbutton his shirt, placing a trail of kisses along. Then again Dev and Rohit flashed their lights which startled Umeed but Farjaad held her tight and kept still so they'd go away. As they assumed, Dev and Rohit both left. He then pulled Umeed closer and flipped so he was on top of her kissing her. Just then his phone rang and it was mama calling him. Farjaad crunched his eyes and grunted. "Farjaad pick up the call." "Nope. He can wait till the morning." And the phone stopped ringing after a couple more rings. Just then Mimi  called and he said, " they're getting on my nerves now. Don't they know what time is it." "If you'd pick up the call, you won't get this annoyed." Staying in the still position, he received the call. "Farjaad ... where the hell have you been? Did you not realise that you were supposed to tell us when you've arrived? We were all starting to get worried." "Sorry Mimi beta, we were so busy that I completely forgot." "It's ok. Were you guys sleeping?" "Mimi beta, we'll sleep once you let us." Farjaad finished the call and switched off both of their phones. "Farjaad, why were you so rude? They were worried and even stupid us, we forgot to tell them aswell." "You know Umeed, you're more rude than me." Umeed understanding from which end is Farjaad talking from, blushed and behaved ignorant to the fact. He kissed her on the cheek and asked shall we. Umeed adored Farjaad and placed her hand on his face. Farjaad leaned in to kiss her and they shared a kiss until both were breathless. Just then out of nowhere, Farjaad said, Umeed, I sort of want a small Umeed." ",Umeed was, blushing. They both smiled and just as Farjaad was about to kiss her, Haya screamed cockroach. Knowing Umeed would scream as well, Farjaad covered her mouth with his hand and told her to relax. He kissed her on the forehead and covered them. Good night.In the morning, when they came out, "you guys really did go to sleep last night since Haya screamed cockroach and Umeed didn't scream along", said Rohit. Umeed blushed remembering what had happened and looked at Farjaad. "Yeah,, we wouldn't have wanted more adventure last night so that's why we slept",  Farjaad said sarcastically which only Umeed understood. Just then Priyanka came to Umeed  and asked her come to a side. She then told Umeed  that she somewhat liked Dev. Umeed got happy knowing it and said she'll talk to Farjaad about it. When they went back, everyone was busy chatting. Farjaad sat next to Farjaad and told him about Priyanka liking Dev. "then we should find out Dev's point of view", said Farjaad. "Ok guys.. so what are the plans for today? Are we staying here and chilling or going somewhere?", Malhar asked. "We should take a chill today since we've had a little too much of adventure in the last two days. Let's give it a break', said Dev. Everyone agreed to what he said and this gave Malharji n and idea to find out what Dev thinks of Priynka. "Great! So how about we play truth or dare?", Farjaad asked. "Yeah. That'll be fun", said Sameer. They all decided that they'll go in a circle with the T&D and whoever wants to ask will ask first and that'll be answered. So they started with Umeed and she chose truth. This made Farjaad think of asking Umeed a question which he knew the answer to but they never talked about. "Who was your first crush?" asked Farjaad n. Sameer, Haya and Priyanka started to laugh at that. "I actually never crushed on anyone and these 3 are evidence to it. I just straight fell in love." Farjaad's eyes widened knowing what Umeed meant and then Dev asked, "soooooo.. who was your first love", looking at Farjaad. "Really guys?", said Farjaad. Umeed giggled and hugged Farjaad  from his arm and said, "this man. Who's all mine and I'm his Farjaad kissed Umeed on her forehead and everyone awed looking at them. Next it was Farjaad's turn and he chose dare. "Farjaad, propose Umeed as if she's your girlfriend", said Dhruv. Farjaad bent down on his knee and looked at Umeed. "Umeed, I love you. Love you more than you can imagine. I want to spend the whole of this life and every other with you. Go through all the ups and downs, but together. Always be beside you through the moments of happiness and sadness. Keep you with me every single moment and make myself prove to myself that I can take care of something priceless. I love you. Will you?" Umeed smiled and nodded her head saying yes. "You know mate, when you propose and the answer is yes, you kiss", said Dev. Farjaad looked at Umeed and she nodded her head sideways saying no. everyone started to cheer for them to kiss and Farjaad leaned forward. Umeed closed her eyes trying to get out of the awkward situation and he pecked her on her cheek. "You guys think I'll kiss her in front of you? Nah.", said Farjaad. "Well Dev, since you made us open up so much, it's your turn now", said Umeed. Farjaad looked at Umeed in wonder and she asked him to choose T or D. Dev chose truth so Haya asked, "You have to give an honest response to what you think of sameer, me and Priyanka since you just met them." Priyanka realised what Farjaad and Umeed were doing and got scared to what Dev might response as. "well, Sameer and Haya are a cute couple. I really adore the love and respect they have for eachother and everyone else here." "And Priynka?" asked Farjaad n. "Priyanka i is a decent girl. So pretty, infact, perfect in every way I suppose." Priynka blushed at the statement and both Farjaad and Umeed looked at eachother knowing where this was heading.
Let's finish today here and there's a surprise tomorrow 😀

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