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They all finished the game after having so much fun together until it was time for lunch. Umeed was taking out the food when Farjaad called her. Umeed went to see why he was calling her and he showed her a white wedding dress. "Well, this is just for fun as the idea was given to me by Dev and I somewhat liked it." Umeed looked at Farjaad  still wondering where is he going until he said, "white wedding just for friends to.." and was cut half way by Umeed  as she put her finger on his lips. "Why does this always come up one way or the other?", she asked, "and please let's not remember that and, if u want to then no problemeo." Farjaad smiled and they were interrupted by Haya telling them that the lunch is ready. They went outside and then it was mentioned by Sameee when he said that they should held the wedding tomorrow. "Umeed, you will be staying with me", said Haya winking at her. Umeed was though surprised to know that everyone was already aware of it. Haya was chosen to be maid of honour and Dev was chosen to be the best man. And they finished planning for the day.
At night, when they all wished each other good night, Farjaad and Umeed went to their tent and Umeed said excitedly, "wow! A white wedding. It's feeling like a dream right now." Farjaad chuckled at Umeed's excitement and said, "Umeed, I can marry you again n again if it helps me to keep u with me in every life." Just then Haya and Sameer came and reminded them that they can't sleep together tonight. They both looked at each other in surprise and questioned why? "Just in case u guys are forgetting, we already are married", Farjaad protested. "Yeah yeah  mate, we know, but a marriage is a marriage and it has its traditions", said Sameer, "so you guys can't sleep together tonight." Before either of them could protest, Haya dragged Umeed out and left. "I hope you weren't in a romantic mood because I'll be sleeping with u", joked Sameer . Farjaad glared at Sameer and told him to go to sleep.
At night, both Farjaad and Umeed were restless as they are not used to sleep without each other anymore. Umeed noticed that Haya was fast asleep so she decided to go out and check if Farjaad was asleep. Just as she was about to leave, Haya woke up and asked if everything's ok? Umeed said yes and laid down to sleep. Both Farjaad and Umeed had a restless sleep that night.
"Wake up bride or are u planning to sleep the whole day?", Haya said to wake Umeed up. Umeed woke up and they both went outside to freshen up and have breakfast. At breakfast, Umeed was finally relieved to see Farjaad and went up to him to talk, t was pulled away by Haya. "You guys can't talk either", she said to Umeed. They both made them sit in different tents to have breakfast.
They'd all decided to leave the tents for the day and go to the hotel rooms, ditching the outsides for the day. Soon everyone started to get ready. While Farjaad was getting dressed with the help of Sameer and Dev, he asked Dev if he liked Priyanka because of what he said about her the day before. Dev told them that he does like her but doesn't know what she thinks of him.
Then it was time for the wedding and Farjaad was waiting for Umeed inside the church with Father. Umeed came and Farjaad was mesmerised to see her looking so good. He himself was wearing a sharp charcoal suit and waistcoat with white shirt and decent grey tie. Whereas Umeed was mesmerised to see Farjaad, they both couldn't take eyes off each other. She herself was wearing a floor length red carpet type white gown and silver shiny belt around her waist giving the dress a classy elegant look, with a veil Umeed was walked down the aisle by Sameer. The ceremony was commenced and they both said their vows. "You may kiss the bride", said the Father and everyone chuckled and asked if Farjaad was going to. Farjaad smiled and pecked Umeed on the lips within a second, making her blush. They all went back to hotel to have some chill and change.
In their room, Umeed was wearing a cocktail dress and was struggling to hook her necklace at the back when Farjaad arrived. Knowing Farjaad, Umeed warned him to not get romantic now and told him to wait. She asked him to help her hook the necklace and even he struggled to hook it's the chain and the hook were both really small. As soon as he finished, he wrapped his arms around Umeed. "What'd I say Farjaad? I think I said to wait." "Well, this is one wait I can't have", he said and leaned in to kiss her. Just as they were about to kiss, they were interrupted by Priyanka who had come to call them outside for a mini reception they were holding. When she left, both Farjaad and Umeed discussed that they'll reveal to both Priyanka and Dev that they like each other.
Farjaad and Umeed both shared a toast of their married life and then as everyone was having dinner, Farjaad  proposed another toast and revealed to everyone that both Priyanka and Dev like each other. Astonished, both Priyanka and Dev looked at each other and blushed.
They all then danced and had fun together and left for their rooms. Umeed asked Sameer to keep Farjaad busy for some time. She went in their room and saw it was decorated the way she had asked the management to; with flowers and balloons. She then changed into a white and blue sari. Farjaad on the other hand, was getting upset of Sameer continuously talking nonsense and left when Sameer wasn't paying attention.
When he got inside the room, he was surprised to see it all decorated and asked Umeed if she did all this. "Well, not exactly me, but the management did as I asked them to. And how could I not arrange this." Farjaad raised his eyebrows and moved forward until he was standing in front of Umeed. He leaned in to kiss her when Umeed took a step forward as well covering any distance between them and shared a kiss, laying down on the bed and kissed her on her neck. Umeed entangled her fingers in his hair and lifted his head up. They both gazed into each other's eyes and then shared a kiss covering themselves with the quilt. Byeeeee.
In the morning, Rohit knocked on their door to wake them up. Umeed quickly got up and was about to leave when Farjaad pulled her back. "Farjaad , what are you doing?" "What am I doing? Umeed, you ask such rhetorical questions." Farjaad pulled her closer and kissed her. Umeed resisted and tried to get out of his embrace to go get ready but he tightened his grip saying not so soon. "Farjaad, everyone is waiting for us. Please lets go now. How much romance do you want?" "Umeed, don't lie. Even you're romantic but scared of what people will think for some reason and hesitate." Umeed got shy at that statement and let herself lose in Farjaad's embrace. Just then Priyanka again came banging on their door and telling them to out fast. Farjaad rolled his eyes and they both got up and got ready.
For the day, everyone decided to go desert safari and left. On the way, Farjaad and Umeed were remembering there memories and how they become friends to how they fell in love. At the safari, Umeed saw ladies doing dance and went to join them. Farjaad again admired her dancing and fell more in love . Then later they all went on camel ride and both Farjaad and Umeed shared the same camel. Farjaad hugged Umeed from the back and she leaned on his shoulder. They both talked about the first time they had a conversation being themselves was during a camel ride. As well as, Priyanka and Dev were talking throughout the camel ride aswell and getting to know eachother better. They all had a good time throughout the safari and soon it was time to leave.
After dinner, they all decided to stay till late as it was the last night they'll be spending together for some time. They all had fun chatting and playing games when Farjaad asked Dev and Priyanka about their upcoming plans. They replied that they'd like to get to know each other better and then introduce each other to their families so there won't be a lot of issues.
They all went to sleep around midnight. Farjaad and Umeed went to sleep hugging each other whilst talking about how much fun they had at this trip.
In the morning, they all left as it would take the whole day to get back home. In the late evening they arrived back home and everyone else left for their homes.
At home, everyone asked them how their trip was and Farjaad and Umeed told them all the fun they had until the white wedding day came up. They both got shy and looked at each other thinking how to continue, which made everyone insist them to tell what happened. They then told them about the white wedding tory and everyone started to tease them.
After that everyone had dinner and left to sleep as it was Monday the following morning and they all had to go to office. Farjaad went to their room whilst Umeed stayed back to complete some kitchen work with Mama.
When Umeed came back, she saw Farjaad already laying down so she closed the lights and went to sleep. He pulled her closer to him and asked if she's actually going to sleep. Umeed smiled shyly and hugged him. Farjaad kissed her on the forehead and covered them with the quilt.
Hopefully you guys liked it.
once again Sorry for all the mistakes I had written another story should I post it?

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