Chapter Five (Final Chapter)

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We're right behind her.

I can feel it.

She's got to be just a corridor ahead!

But with each turn, we just get further from her. And then we're in front of an open vent. Eclipse stares at it, nervous. Kirby is also a bit anxious.

"Find another way to get ahead, I'll go through here," I say. Kirby disappears, leaving MXES and Eclipse to handle it. "I'll see ya on the other side."

I start crawling through the vents, graffiti all over the cramped walls. Kirby is already on the other side, waving at me. Their eyes, for a moment, is golden yellow. But I don't care. I-we're closer to Cass than ever. We just need to find her, and we can convince her to get out.

Finally, I hear a scream. Cassie!

She's still here!

I run ahead, seeing a glimpse of Cass. I put on my mask and see MXES before her. There's something else, too. I can't see it until I take my mask off.

"Freddy!" Kirby shouts.

The bear turns to us, me. Where is his head? Where is his stomach? What is in his stomach?

"Oregon?!" Cass shouts. She watches as Freddy stumbles towards me, and I run away.

The bear follows, and Kirby is just dragging right behind me. I find a door that's locked and find an electric pad next to it. I fiddle with it, but it refuses to open. It's broken.

I turn around, and Freddy is just a few feet away from me. I still stay quiet, but I pull out my mask and put it on. Maybe Kirby can-

Where did he go?

Where is everyone?

Where am I?

"It's all my fault."

I look around. Kirby is crying behind me. I walk closer to them until it's just my hand on their shoulder. They don't turn around.

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" I ask her. They don't turn around, so I sit next to them.

And then I see it.

That's not Kirby.

They turn to look at me. Their eyes are a golden void, with black tears dragging down their face. I back away from them, until I'm frozen. I can't take my mask off.

"Let me out!" I shout at them. But they don't listen.

Before long, they are staring down at me, their eyes blinding me. And then they grab my wrist, and everything becomes nothing.

Neptune's POV

Eclipse and I keep walking, side by side. Cass has run away. Perhaps running straight to him. I wonder if she's in the caverns, or maybe stuck in the Raceway.

"Oregon, please take the mask off. I think something's wrong with it," Eclipse says.

"I can still see ahead with it on," I reply. What else would the girl say? "It's not hurting."

"Isn't it hard to breathe in it?" he asks. "Also, I can't see Kirby anymore. Has she gone ahead?"

I stop walking. That's not my name. I don't say it. I just look at him for a moment before I keep going.

"I want to help Cass," I say. He'd be happy. "Please, just stop talking about it."

Eclipse hesitates before he stops talking altogether. That is actually better than what I asked him to do. Each mask does something specific, depending on the job. For me, I'm just a prototype. I'm the very template for what each one should be able to do. Although, I have learned that if I want to communicate with an animatronic without my user, or control the speakers, or provide blueprints, I must do it myself.

Prot0type (Teen + OC + Eclipse) SB Ruin FanficWhere stories live. Discover now