Chapter 1. Blooming Spring

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Mid-April in Moomin Valley was, to put it in one word, delightful. The days were slowly getting warmer, the afternoons lasted longer and the frost covering the grass became dew. The chirp of birds grew louder as the sun rose every morning and the stream down the bridge ran full and fast.

There was a quiet energy that announced a new start for everyone and everything and, as the first rays of the sun went through Moomin's window, the young troll stirred and slowly opened his eyes and yawned.

As his body moved, he sensed another's laying by his side.

There was none other than Snufkin.

Moomin, feeling relieved, turned slowly to look at him, trying not to wake him up. He couldn't believe that Snufkin had actually stayed for the night, although he still remembered the last time he woke up and saw him sleeping next to him, long time ago.

They were much smaller, and Snufkin and him had spent plenty of nights together after the comet arrival, and since both were still knowing each other, they used to stay up until very late in the night talking about their adventures and the creatures they had encountered in their short lives.

Moomin also remembered how they used to escape in the middle of the dawn, and how little by little, Snufkin started spending more and more nights all by himself in his tent. When this happened, Moomin had asked him if it was fine to camp with him, but even when Snufkin accepted, he would rather sleep by himself.

Now, something Moomin would never forget was their very first winter goodbye. After having learned so much about his friend, Moomin had grown to admire his resourcefulness and his courage, taking in account how young he was. Snufkin was only fourteen but he had already walked a long way, while Moomin, being only one year younger, had enjoyed most of the time, a calm, happy life protected by his mom and dad.

'Are you getting your stuff ready for the hibernation?' had asked Moomin, seeing him pack his bag.

'I'm afraid that I'm not staying this time, Moomintroll. I'm leaving'.

At first Moomin didn't understand. Last winter his friend had decided to stay with them and Snufkin had woken up that spring saying how well rested he felt. Why would he leave? But seeing the determination in his friend's eyes, he knew there was no way to convince him to stay again.

'Where will you go?'

'I don't know. But south, surely. To warmer places' had answered Snufkin with a smile.

'Will you go... forever?' had asked Moomin, trying not to show his sadness.

'I enjoyed so much my time here that I suppose I could come back', he had reasoned.

'You must, then! We've had so much fun together and you... You are my very best friend now! I've never shared my secrets with Sniff, and you know all of them. Please, say you'll come back!' had begged the young Moomin.

'Alright. Then let's meet here again in the spring, on this same bridge, the very first day of it'.

And with those words, it was settled, and a long term tradition started.

Moomin had given Snufkin a quick tight hug, said good bye and run back into his house to let their parents know about his friend's departure.

That was the first winter he had cried for him...

But when Snufkin finally came back the following spring, he simply decided that he felt happier sleeping in his tent and, even if Moomin and his friends joined him camping from time to time, Snufkin avoided staying in the blue house. After all, that was what he was used to live like.

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