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6 months

We were laying in our bed. My head nuzzled in her neck and our legs entwined under the covers.

Enjoying our monthly lazy day.

"Mhm you smell like flowers." I close my eyes
kissing her neck, wrapping my arm tighter around her small body.

"Thank you. You smell like mint and vanilla." Alex giggled.

"That's my candle sent." I laugh.

"Harry?" She whispers

"Hm?" I mumble lazily

"I love you."

"I-I love you too."

Our first 'I love you's

2 years

"No Harry No! Stop you can't keep doing this!"

Her tears are because of me.
Her sadness is because of me.


"Saying sorry won't fix this anymore." She sobbed rushing out of the house into the rain.

I ran after her.

"Alex! Wait!" When I catch up to her I wrap my arms around her as she struggled in my grip.

She gave up and sobbed in my chest.
She threw small punches at my chest while my arms wrapped around her body.

"I'm so so sorry. I love you more than anything please don't leave." I whisper, rain falling on both of us.

"I would never leave Harry. I love you too and I'm sorry for making this into a big deal."

"No you had every right to be angry with me." I shush her.

She looked up at me placing her lips on mine.
That's when I knew, in the pouring rain, that she was the one.

4 years later

We were having both of our parents
over at our place.

She was sitting in our backyard with
her mum and my mum while our dads talked
about the recent sports headlines.

Everyone knew what was happening today
expect her.

Come on Harry she'll say yes.
She loves you.

I kept reminding myself that as I walked down
to the patio to everyone else, holding a small box.

"Babe, Harry. Are you alright?" She walked up
to me excusing herself from our mums.

"I- uh need to ask you a question." My fingers
fiddled with the box, nervously.

My hands were sweating.
My heart beating a hundred beats a second.

I cleared my throat.
"I love you. Alex you're the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have the most beautiful woman I know and I have fallen completely and foolishly in love with you over the past four years.

I love how you smile your eyes crinkle. I love how you care for the people around you. I love how every time I complement you, you blush. I love how you will only eat pineapples on pizza, but you hate them in general. I love how laugh. I can go on for years listing everything I love about you.

You're perfect to me and always will be.

These have been the most memorable four years of my life. I've been the happiest in those four years because of you. You have made me the happiest and luckiest man in the world. So, Alex Josephine Smith will you do me the honor in marrying me?"

I get down on one knee dropping the box in the process because of my nerves.

Come on Styles. Now is not the time
to f.ck up.

I hear her giggle through her tears.
I open up the box reveling the ring.

"Yes Harry yes." She says happily. I smile widely and slip the ring on her finger.

Everyone around us cheered and took photos.

I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my torso. She cupped my cheeks kissing my lips passionately.

She is my light.
She is my love
She is my angel.
She is enchanting.

the end

aw this was really cute.
but they're my relationship goals.
if i ever get in a relationship.. wow im lonely.

vote and comment!!

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