On My Knees For You

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"Sleepy head get up! I made breakfast. If you're not hungry that's alright." Brendan's voice filled my ears.

I roll off of the couch and take a seat at his counter where there was a stack of pancakes with syrup and bacon.

"Hey what happened to your arm?" Brendan asked chewing a strip of bacon.

I look down to see a purple and blue ring around my wrist.

I put my arm away quickly but Brendan puts my arm out in front of him.

"Did- Did Alex do this to you? Did he?" He examined it closely, "It wasn't a big deal. I was trying to leave and I guess Alex didn't realize how hard he was holding onto me."

Before Brendan could say anything his phone started to ring.

Alex's name popped on the screen, well it said little Russian bitch on it so one could only assume it was Alex.

He put the phone on speaker, "Brendan is Jessica there?"

"Yeah she stayed the night."

"Could I talk to her please Brendan? Please I need to hear her voice."

Brendan looked to me as if asking what he should say. I swipe my hands in front of me and shake my head.

"She's here but doesn't want to talk, but you can say whatever you want."

"Ok I get it if she doesn't want to talk...." Alex's voice sounded defeated.

I was defeated. I was tired. I was sick.

" I love imagining things with you; like holding your hand while we go grocery shopping, or playing with your hair as we watch your favorite movie on Netflix. Kissing you in the middle of your sentence because you're just so perfect in my eyes regardless of what you say. Waking up every morning wondering how did I get so lucky. It's endless what I can picture with you. I'm sorry I am such a mess and that I don't always have the right words to say but I'm trying I really am. "

He hung up and I stood there stunned with a knot in my stomach. "They don't understand, no one understands, it's not an obsession. It's painful love, they don't understand that Alex makes me happy, people don't understand that I think about him twenty four- seven. He takes over my brain like a tsunami taking over land. They just don't understand that he is the reason I live, he is the reason for my happiness. He is the reason why I am so in love."

My voice was quiet as tears dropped onto my knuckles. Brendan rushed over and gave me a tissue.

" You know, it's a mark of maturity when someone hurts you, and you try to understand them. Alex is growing up, wow."

He smiled and hugged me. I instantly squeezed him back with all the strength I could.

"Hey we have a game tonight would you be ok if you came? You don't have to see Alex I'll get you straight out of there. I don't want you home alone. You can't be home alone in this state of mind."

He rubbed my back and I sobbed into his chest. This was all so hard, but I had to keep going. "Sure yeah, a game sounds good yeah I'll go."

He wraps a blanket around us and pulls me close, "So h-how long d-do you want me to stay here?" I stutter as Brendan turned on a movie.

"As long as you need to! I'm gonna be here for you." He exclaims surprised at the question.

Brendan and I watched movies all day, we laughed at dumb jokes and had long conversations about humans and the world.

Brendan Adam Mathew Gallagher is the best friend I could ever have.

It was hours later when Brendan jumped in the air, "Oh shit we have to go!" He gives me a Montreal sweatshirt and makes a serious face, "Go Habs Go!" We both burst into a fit of laughter as we drive to the arena.


The game ended in a win, Alex got a hat trick, each goal he found me in the stands. I gave him a small smile, but scoring three goals for me wasn't going to fix our fight.

I was hurt that he was trying to change me so drastically so fast, and the fact he was trying to change me at all. If he doesn't love me for the person I am he can fuck off.

Wait that was mean, I've known Alex my entire life, and he's known me. I wasn't ready to come back to him, not yet.

Hey readers! I wrote a Brendan Gallagher story called Tweet The Hopeless and I would adore it if you guys went and voted and commented on that story and tell me what you think.

But what about Jessica and Alex?? :(
Is something happening between her and Brendan? Will this ruin Alex and Jessica's relationship? Will Jessica continue to overcome her eating disorder or will it worsen without Alex's help? Lemme know ;)

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