(Cobra Kai OC) Mia LaRusso

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She abandoned by her biological father when she was young and her mother is sick. Her and Sam have to take care of her and of their little brother and to support the family economically, so they both have to work. She works at a clothes shop as a shop assistant. She is one year younger than Sam, but older than Anthony. She is emotively strong, and her rough life made her  tough; she was very young, yet she sees the world with the perspective of an adult. She has quite a temper, but unlike her sister, she's trying to work on that, so she's far more rational than her. She can't stand her sister, and she had some little "accidents" with her (to make you understand, something like the episode at the roller rink), but she tries not to take the rivalry too far. When her sister started the fight at school, she was shocked because she didn't think she would have come to something like that. Her and Sam joined Cobra Kai together. She had taken a few kickboxing classes before, while Mia was starting from zero, but since the beginning, She showed to have a natural talent for fighting and to be willing to learn more and more. She stayed in Cobra Kai even after the school fight, and she appreciated Kreese's teachings because they fit with her difficult situation. After some time though, she understood he was brainwashing her, and he was turning her into a different person she didn't want to become, so she decided to leave Cobra Kai and she started training on her own, without joining another dojo. For a while, Sam considered her a traitor for leaving Cobra Kai, and she had a lot of arguments with her for that. She tried to show her Kreese and Silver were a bad influence, while she tried to convince Mia to come back to the dojo, so the two spent some time not getting along as they used to. Still, she couldn't help but feel proud of her when she won the tournament. Then, one day, Mia caught her crying as she came home from work, and she revealed that Silver had bribed the referee; She were so sad for Sam and angry with the old, vile man. She didn't understand why she kept training at Cobra Kai, until she told her that she and Kreese had a plan. Mia was proud when she found the courage to tell the truth, and she was glad that Sam and her apparently put an end to their rivalry. She helped them and the others putting down Silver, and she's considering joining Johnny, Daniel and Chozen's students at karate. She doesn't think often about her future. She kind of lives day by day, knowing her economic problem won't even allow her to go to college after school. If she didn't have this problems, she'd really like to became a photographer or to work in the field of photography somehow, since it's been her hobby since she was younger. She is currently dating Robby Keene. 

Full Name: Mia Capricia LaRusso

Actress: Giorgia Whigham

Nationality: Israeli

Age: 18

Gender: Bigender

Pronouns: she/faer

Sexuality: Pansexual/Aceflux/Aromantic

Birthdate: April 3, 2005 (3:44 AM)

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 106lbs

Handedness: Right

Blood type: A+

Mother: Loretta LaRusso (nee Romano)

Father: Louie LaRusso

Aunt: Lucille LaRusso

Cousin and Cousin in Law: Daniel LaRusso and Amanda LaRusso

Other Relatives: Sam LaRusso, Anthony LaRusso

Fight Club: Cobra Kai

Sexuality: Pansexual

Boyfriend: Robby Keene

Best Friend: Kyler

Enemy: Sam LaRusso

Future Children: Cherryl, Eben and Loretta

( Outfit )

( Outfit )

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