(Percy Jackson OC) Tancredo Félix

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He's usually seen with dark eyebags, due to his all-nighters of work. He is blessed by Ares. Talented with electronics and metal like his father, he is also enticing and charming as like his mother, Rosario Espinosa. He is courageous as a personal trait. Moreover, he always attempts to better his motorcycle, while also regular objects and working to aid others medically through technology he creates. His fatal flaw is that he tends to be vain in his abilities. He is incredible at fixing, creating, hacking, and dismantling mechanical pieces. Bending metals without tools is his specialty, burning heat in his body to create supernatural warmth, without fire, is his talent too. Moreover, he has amazing abilities with deciphering internet codes and other technological ciphers that would leave even the best hackers stumped. His mother was charming, that's all he knows. As a hostess of a popular club in the middle of the city, she was wanted by the members every night she was so popular; and those who described her did not think it was so because she was beautiful, but because she had incredibly addictive company and possessed thrilling presence. Was it how she laughed? Was it how she leaned closer to whoever she was speaking with, speaking quietly like she was sharing a secret, like she truly loved being with you? Although the restaurant was known to be dangerous, she kept going because she felt lonely— and how ridiculous, she thought— she was one of the most beloved in the city, so how could she feel lonely among so many people? However, one night, when the club got especially rough, Hephaestus happened to be traveling in the popular city for business concerning medical technology when your mother was being harassed upon leaving. After he had assisted— being rather ashamed that he had muddled with mortals— his mother recognized that he made her feel a bit less lonelier. During the period of time he was without a parent, a series of strange things happened to him, He kept on finding screws and bolts, nails and scrap pieces of metal. Soon, in his spare time, he became quick and brilliant in thinking of their uses and how to use them together— with this practice, he has an abundant experience with construction. Once, a man with horns approached him, one that had walked funny and who now reminds him of Grover. He had kept an eye on him until he had been taken in by his stepfather, Celio Abel.  After he was adopted by his step father and step-sisters Trini and Bibiana, the strange things didn't stop happening. For a school trip, he went to a museum of old plane parts used in past wars. There was an activity for the students of his class to try and decipher the parts of an engine and make it work— he left the supervisors in awe when he completed it himself, even making one broken, loose wheel turn that hadn't for several years. He had a terrible grade in biology— not that he was bad in the subject; it was the teacher. So, in retaliation, he hacked the school's website to change it, and everyone else's in the class. Further in spite of him, he changed his name on the site from "Benjamin Dover" to "Captain fungal prokaryotic growth." You learned that from biology to mean "infested fungus.". Given by his godly parent, he has a cold, rigid ring made of stone from a volcano in Greece, which can be transformed into a warhammer. The metal is flaming hot, often smoking if the temperature is cool. He can use it as a smoke signal. He is a strong fighter, often using his power purposefully and strategically in each strike— he is also talented with smith-work, technology, and crafting. In the future, after all the craziness, him and Piper get married, and have four children, three girls and a boy. Their kids are named Emiliana, Maricela, Assumpció, and Haroldo. 

Species: Demi-god

Kid of: Hephaestus

Nationality: Venezuelan 

Age: 17

Birthday: June 23, 2006 (5:28 PM)

Gender: Cis Male

Pronouns: they/them

Sexuality: Straight

Hair Color: Light Brown

Hair Style: Short and Straight

Eye Color: Hazel

Weight: 108lbs

Height: 5'10"

Handedness: Right

Blood type: A-

Personality type: INFP

Favorite Activity: Capture the Flag

Ex: Kayla Knowles

Love Interest: Piper Mclean

Best Friend: Will Solace

Childhood Companion: Annabeth Chase

Friends with Benefits: Leo Valdez

Friend: Nico di Angelo

Frenemy: Percy Jackson

Enemy: Grover Underwood

Worst Enemy: Tyson

Rival: Hazel Levesque (mainly cuz she broke his laptop that one time)

kids as babies: 

kids as, well, kids: 

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kids as, well, kids: 

kids as, well, kids: 

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kids as teens: 

kids as teens: 

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