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Author's P.O.V

Rylie together with P'Nook went to a Gentle lotion company that he'll endorse...

As they went inside, they were quite surprised that the product company that he'll endorse already started shooting without him...

"Guys... what's happening?" P'Nook asked the production team...

The leader of that production team panickedly ran towards Nook with a worried face...

"Oh... Nook I'm sorry..." The leader said.

"I'm asking you... what's happening? Didn't you call me to inform that Rylie is going to be your product endorser? What is this?"

"Well... when we called you, our C.E.O already found someone to endorse his product... We forgot Rylie after and I'm sorry..." She said.

"Tell them the truth kha... It's not truly the reason why Rylie wasn't chosen to be the endorser of this product..." The new endorser said.

Rylie knows this new endorser...

Oliver Chua, Rylie's industry rival...

Everyone knew their rivalry...

The last time they fought is quite physical but luckily no one posted videos or pictures about it...

Since then, they promised not to see each other again but here they are...

"Porsha (The production team leader)... You better tell us the truth..."

"I-- well--" Porsha.

"Rylie already left GMMTV... This company and GMMTV worked together and P'tha said that only his artist under him will endorse this product... not only that, didn't you also have a case against you for taking drugs? Why don't you take those things of Instead of endorsing something... when the days come, I wouldn't be surprise when the news tells us that you found guilty in that damn case..." Oliver said which shocked everyone except Rylie.

"Oliver! What the hell!" Porsha.

"Porsha what the hell is this?!" P'Nook.

"Nook listen to me first--" Porsha.

"P'Nook let's go..." Rylie said and held Nook's hand, trying to calm himself down...

Nook sighed and agreed to what Rylie said...

When they were about to leave, Oliver's next words started Rylie's rage...

"A criminal shouldn't be here... he should be ashamed of himself..." Oliver said and started laughing...

Rylie sighed deeply as he gave his bag to Nook and ran towards Oliver...

Rylie grabbed the lotion and poured it right to Oliver's mouth which shocked everyone...

P'Nook held Rylie's arm to stopped him while Oliver almost died especially when all the lotion poured inside his mouth...

"You're crazy!" Oliver angrily said and coughed.

The staffs panickedly helping Oliver out...

"Yes I'm crazy... The next time we'll see each other I'll make sure you eat more lotion than that!" Rylie.

"You think this damn lotion company is a big loss to me? Fuck this place... This place is literally hell and the production process is a piece of trash! And Oliver? Tsk! He's nothing compared to me... all he did was to dance in front of this company C.E.O so that he'll get more endorsements!" Rylie.

The staffs suddenly looked at Oliver when Rylie said that...

"He's lying!! Don't believe him!" Oliver.

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