Chapter Three - Ian

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The room was a dimly lit, mahogany-clad chamber within the heart of the Blackhill Club, I sat across from Zayn, my assistant with a slightly irritated look. The air hung heavy with the scent of fine cigars and the weight of our clandestine dealings. I was going to leave soon for the boxing hall of the club. No one was there then, and the hall was all to myself for tonight. Zayn's gaze remained steady, his voice low and measured as he presented the latest report.

"Eighteen percent of shares belong to our allies in the Eastern Syndicate, sir." My eyes locked onto Zayn's and leaned forward, my voice already bored and dry, Zayn could already sense that I wanted this done and over with. "And why, Zayn, do they believe they are entitled to such a generous portion of our enterprise?" I asked bored, crushing the cigarette in the ashtray. Zayn's expression was impassive, a testament to his years of experience in navigating the criminal world. "They've made significant inroads into the southern drug trade, sir. Their support in the recent turf wars has been instrumental in maintaining our dominance." Zayn's voice was stable, not a hint of nervousness yet.

I gave him a slight nod in acknowledgment of Zayn's explanation. "But," I continued, "I trust you've ensured that our Eastern allies are aware that their stake is contingent upon unwavering loyalty and continued cooperation?" I cocked my head to the side waiting for Zayn's voice.

Zayn met my gaze without hesitation. "Of course, sir. They are well aware that any deviation from the agreed terms will result in swift and decisive action on our part."

A subtle, knowing smirk curled at the corners of my lips. "Good, Zayn. I expect nothing less." I got up and turned to the exit but before I left, I looked back at Zayn, "Don't forget about the attack on Charlie's base." My voice came out much sterner than I expected but that was only because no matter what, I could not let Charlie overrun me. She was already too far ahead of what I was doing. She had three underworld empires, and two massive security bases, one located in Dubai, the other in Rio de Janeiro. She's already started to work on her other projects, her security base in Seoul. That's the thing that pisses me off. Seoul is one of those places where every base can be hidden well, inside small markets, underground basements, abandoned hotels, just anywhere, and the civilians are so pathetically gullible. 

Still, the thought of Charlie setting a new base in Korea pissed me off. We've been rivals for seven years for fuck's sake and my hatred for her kept rising every fucking second. The name Charlie made me disgusted, who the fuck names their child 'Charlie?' That name was for a man, not a woman. Sure she was one hell of a woman, her fucking voice, that fucking smirk on her face when she gets what she wants, her fucking personality, her looks and attitude. If a woman was born to be a life wrecker, fucking Medusa then God personally made Charlie. The thought of her had already made me lose my temper and I needed to blow off steam. Fast. I walked towards the boxing hall, already removing my jacket once I opened the door, just to hear heavy punches and heavy breathing. Who the hell was at the gym at this time, in Blackhill Club to be exact? And who was this mad? Curiosity led me to the far end of the hall, and that's when I saw her.


My voice echoed throughout the hall and she stopped punching, heavy breaths filling up the room once she stopped. Fucking hell. I had never seen her shirtless, only seen her working out fully clothed before.. but god fucking dam me, I didn't want to look away. Flat abs, a slim waist, long legs, a sharp jawline, and collarbone and veiny forearms as her muscles flexed when she threw punches. God. This woman was a fucking unreal. Her body defined perfection to its peak, her breasts, not that big but big enough for me too- Snap out of it, Ian. She's your fucking rival not your girlfriend. You can't fantasize about her.

"Done staring?" Her voice rang in my ears, snapping me out of my trance as I looked at her face. Sweat dripped down her forehead and neck as she walked towards her towel. Her hips moved while she walked, never knew my rival could be this.. tempting and I was damned to keep on ogling at her as if she was the only woman in this whole fucking world. Shaking my head, I cross my arms across my chest and an irritated smirk curved on my lips. "I was judging, not staring," I stated while she wiped her sweat with a grey towel. "Judging? By the looks of it, you're fantasizing." I could hear the arrogance of her tone easily and I loved it. I always got under her skin quickly, I always found it amusing to see how pissed off she got. "Fantazing? About you? Don't make me laugh." I chuckled dryly, sure I was about to fantasize but luckily she snapped me out of it at the perfect time. She scoffed, her back to me while reaching for her shirt on the ground. As cold as she was, her emotions never got the best of her and that made me intrigued by her. How could one woman be this.. Apathetic? Perilous? Still, the thought of her being better than me made me feel an emotion so strong, that it made me want to rip her apart piece by piece and then watch her as she fell.

"Are you that afraid of me that you're already leaving?" My eyes trailed after her as she walked to her bag. "Is your ego that fragile that you need me to stay?" Her voice filled with arrogance and a cocky smirk on her lips as she looked back at me. I want to rip that fucking smirk off her pretty face so bad. "Touché" I chuckled bitterly watching her leave the boxing hall. Part of me wanted to drag her back by her hair and shoot her fucking throat but another part of me just let her be. I can't kill her here, not that easily. She'll have to beg for her death. And she'll be doing that very soon. 

Venice - 7:09 pm 

In the heart of Venice, the vibrant casino pulsated with an electric energy that seemed to transcend time. Neon lights danced along the ceilings, casting a kaleidoscope of colors upon the massive crowd. The air buzzed with anticipation, filled with the symphony of slot machines chiming and the annoying shouts of winners echoing across the grand hall. Cocktails flowed freely as waitresses weaved through the sea of players like mice. The roulette tables were a kaleidoscope of fervor, the craps tables echoed with cheers, and the blackjack dealers swiftly flicked cards with practiced finesse. It hadn't even struck midnight and it was already so chaotic in the casino when I walked into the opulent casino, and then suddenly the clamor around me dulled as I approached the high-stakes tables, my gaze fixed on the roulette wheel. Without a hint of hesitation, I exchanged a briefcase brimming with stacks of cash for an exorbitant sum of chips, a move that turned heads. Had they never seen money before? Or was my confidence a bit too much? Sure it was a surprise but I wasn't here for the win or cash. I was here for the Casino itself.

"Boss, a gentleman just bought 5 million worth of chips."

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