14. Responsiblities

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Rashid's POV

I would like nothing more than going to my chamber and fresh up. I feel like a I need a long warm shower and get rid of my tiredness. But duty calls first.

On my way home Amir had told my some empires were plotting to attack our kingdom. Again.They were all grouped up together. Again.Of course they are grouped up. They could never even dream of attacking our sultanate alone.

What angers me more is my step-fucking-brother is involved in all of this and guiding them to attack us. Guess no matter how many chances I give him, he will always remain a childish boy who can't be mature and man up. I was being patient because of Aaliyah. That little girl is completely innocent.

If I were to punish her brother in any form,she will be hurt. She won't ever complain, I know but she will be beyond hurt and indirectly punished. After her mother she has only me,Saad and her stupid brother.

But everything has a limit. I have been too kind and clam lately I guess. I knew this matter for quite some time but I thought I would give them a chance. Give them time to realise they were making a mistake and they would never be able to fight us even grouping together. But they hardly learned from their past mistakes.

Enough of being kind and patient.It's time I took action against them and strict action. I sat there listening to everyone's suggestions and strategies. My advisor has been freaking out about it. Nothing new.

He freaks out about everything. He doesn't know I got the situation in control already. I already know what I need to do. But they don't know it. I am about to drop the bomb right now.

"I know what to do. Can you all please calm down and sit quietly?" I said in a rather authoritative tone brushing my fingers through my hair.They needed to know who was in charge here. They all calmed down and started paying attention to what was I saying.

We sat there for hours discussing what and how everything will be done. They might be grouping together but they forgot all of them together is still smaller than our whole empire. Their soldiers combined is still fewer in numbers compared to us. And most importantly they are still dependent on us for their grains and cotton.

I don't understand how stupid these kings can be to attack us when they are nothing but dependent upon us.

Also there's always this particular way of defending them which I might have to use soon. Maybe I will.

I was being kind enough to let them enjoy their independence and freedom. Since they didn't want our interference in their affairs I left them alone in return of just tax. But they keep forgetting my kindness.

What a bunch of stupid kings plotting together. This time I am done playing nice. I am capturing the king and their kingdoms. It was nothing compared to what we have now but a little addition is always welcome.

And for my little step brother, I guess I have to punish him myself. Enough freedom for him. He is still living under my roof and he dares to go against me. This time he has to say goodbye to his freedom and luxuries.

I dismissed everyone from my study. I needed this solace. They are nice and wise but always too paranoid. They don't know I have the situation in control,always. And I like to keep it that way.

I sigh rubbing my head. Great! Now I have a headache added to my distress. It's almost noon now and I haven't still took a shower or ate anything.

Not to mention I am married. I am supposed to spend this time with my wife. My lips tugged slightly upward thinking about that little fireball. She still doesn't know who I am,does she?

𝒀𝒂𝒌𝒔𝒉𝒂 (𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖴𝗇𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖬𝗂𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗅𝖾)Where stories live. Discover now