chapter 1

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I was hunched over sobbing and vomiting into the nearest bin while Annabelle was stroking my head. She had requested we speak in private when she had basically told me she signed my death sentence. I have been here 2 weeks, I was previously a scullery maid for a well-respected family, where I was heavily rewarded for doing so well. That was until they received a letter in the mail stating my services were needed elsewhere. Annabelle is the housekeeper and head maid, meaning she makes sure the castle is in tiptop shape and she makes sure we do our job correctly. Usually, if you were a scullery maid, you'd have to be a house maid before a lady's maid but according to Annabelle, something gruesome had happened to lady jane's last maid which resulted in me replacing her. One should typically be happy to be a lady's maid, but I saw her last one, Rose, almost always a walking corpse until her untimely death.

After a few minutes, my body had emptied itself of all its nutrients and I was left dry heaving. Annabelle had given me some water before continuing, "Pricilla, you are to pack your things and go join Lady Jane in her shared chambers with her twin brother Master Alec. Get a good night's rest seeing as she has a very full day tomorrow. I have left a note on the pillow of all the things she likes and dislikes." I couldn't even bring myself to speak, which resulted in Annabelle getting a very weak nod of understanding. As I was packing my things, the other house maids I shared a room with helped me. Once finished packing, they all hugged me and told me how much they adored having me with them. It honestly felt like I was going to war.

Once I made it to Lady Jane's bed chambers, I headed straight for my room. The way the chamber is set up is lady jane's room with a connected bathroom separated with a singular wall with master Alec's room on the opposite side. My room is where her closet would have been, it's decent sized but not as big as hers. It has a singular toilet, shower and sink. I started unpacking all my girlish things like my makeup mirror, my sewing machine, my rather large shoe collection etc. All these amazing things were gifted to me by my previous family. Their eldest daughter wore the same sizes as me, so she liked to gift me her old things/buy us matching things as we became good friends over the years.

Once finished, I washed myself up and got ready for bed. Whilst waiting for sleep to come over me, I read the list that Annabelle gave me about lady jane. 

'Things lady jane hates'

Heavy footsteps

Excessive talking






Back talk

Being questioned by those of lower power

'Things lady jane likes'

Her hair in a braid

Sorme lipstick in the shade #236 envy

Her black yves saint laurent long backless dress in wool

Her black marc fisher Crista pumps

Her volturi crest to be polished and shined every day.

She likes to bathe alone, she values privacy.

The smell of rose.

This will certainly be a challenge. 

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