Mr. Helpful

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The argument between Grace and Daniel escalated quickly. Daniel, in his frustration, lost control of his temper. He raised his hand, intending to strike Grace. However, Victoria, who had just arrived at the scene, saw what was happening and stepped in front of Grace, receiving the blow instead.

As Daniel's hand connected with Victoria, a sharp pain shot through her. The force of the blow caused her to stumble backward, a gasp escaping her lips. As she touched her hand to her face, she felt the warm trickle of blood.

The pain was not just physical. It brought back a flood of memories from her past, memories she had worked hard to bury deep within her. She remembered the hardships she had faced, the battles she had fought, and the strength she had found within herself.

Meanwhile, Grace was in shock. She was furious at Daniel and worried about Victoria. "Victoria!" she exclaimed, rushing to her side. "Are you okay?"

Victoria, despite the pain, managed a small nod. "I'm fine, Grace," she said, her voice shaky but determined. "But this... this is the last straw. Daniel's gone too far."

Daniel, realizing the gravity of his actions, looked taken aback. However, his surprise quickly morphed into defiance. "You can't prove anything, Victoria," he said, his tone arrogant.

Victoria looked at him, her gaze icy despite the pain. "We'll see about that, Daniel," she said, her voice firm. "I won't let you get away with this."

In the aftermath of the confrontation, Victoria found herself grappling with both the physical pain and the emotional turmoil stirred up by the memories of her past. She was taken back to the times she had to fight for her place, the times she had to stand up against injustice.

Grace, seeing Victoria in pain, felt a surge of protective anger. "Victoria, we need to report Daniel," she said, her voice filled with determination. "He can't get away with this."

Victoria nodded, wiping away the trickle of blood with a handkerchief. "You're right, Grace," she said, her voice steady despite the pain. "This ends now."

Meanwhile, Daniel, despite his initial defiance, was beginning to realize the seriousness of his actions. He had let his frustration get the best of him, and now he was facing the consequences.

As Victoria and Grace navigated the silent verdict of the high-profile case, they also had to deal with the repercussions of Daniel's actions. The professional challenge was intertwined with a personal battle, and the days ahead were going to be tough.

As Victoria grappled with the aftermath of Daniel's actions, she found herself increasingly concerned for Grace's safety. She appreciated Grace's support, but she didn't want her friend to get caught in the crossfire.

One day, Victoria decided to voice her concerns. "Grace," she began, her voice serious. "I appreciate your support, but I can't let you get involved in this. It's not safe."

Grace looked at Victoria, surprise evident on her face. "Victoria, I can't just stand by and do nothing," she protested, her voice filled with determination. "You're my friend, and I want to help."

Victoria shook her head. "I know, Grace," she said, her voice soft. "But this is my fight. I don't want you to get hurt."

Despite Victoria's insistence, Grace was not easily deterred. She was determined to stand by Victoria, to support her through this difficult time. However, she also respected Victoria's concerns and promised to be careful.

Meanwhile, as the silent verdict of the high-profile case loomed closer, Victoria had to balance her professional responsibilities with her personal battles. It was a challenging time, but Victoria was not one to back down easily.

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